Polyaeni Strategematon libri octo ex recensione Edvard Woelfflin

Polyaenus, 1887

Adoption Amount: $350

Adoption Type: Build the Collection

Library: John Miller Burnam Classics Library

The publishing house of B. G. Teubner in Leipzig was revolutionary in the 19th century for offering scholarly editions of ancient Greek and Latin texts at affordable prices and in a handy pocket format. Their initiative was emulated by many publishers, including the American James Loeb and his Loeb Classical Library editions. The publishing of the most authoritative editions of ancient text, Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum teubneriana, continues to be published to this day and is an essential tool for classical philologists.  

Polyaeni Strategematon libri octo ex recensione Edvard Woelfflin