Caere e Pyrgi: Il territorio, la viabilità e le fortificazioni

Vincenzo Bellelli, 2014

Adoption Amount: $1000

Adoption Type: Build the Collection

Library: John Miller Burnam Classics Library

This book describes two of the most important centers of the Etruscan civilization. The Classics Library wishes to expand its collecting of Etruscan studies, important for the understanding of classical antiquity in part because of very active commerce among Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans. In addition, much of what we know about Greek pottery, an item of export in itself and/or for its content, comes from Etruscan tombs where Greek vases have been unearthed by archaeologists and grave robbers alike. The early kings of Rome were Etruscan and many religious and magical elements in ancient Rome such as soothsaying were derived from the Etruscans.  

Caere e Pyrgi: Il territorio, la viabilità e le fortificazioni