The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 04 No. 4 (June 1925) Contents:
To the Probation List, poem by A. F. McAndrews
An Eventful Track Season, by R. S. Corwin
Upholding U. C.'s Baseball Reputation
Paddles, Portages and Porcupines, by P. Willard Crane
The Engineer as City Manager, by John W. Krausser
Power Line Telephony, by Judson Mather
Sanitation Through Machinery, by R. G. Savery
Thumb-Nail Sketches, by Charles Schucht, L. E. Massie, and Elias Toy
The Dix River Dam, by Ray T. Congleton
Suggested Improvements, by R. D. Landon
The Evening Commerce Club, by John F. Knopf
Militarizing Commercial Factories, by G. A. Cowan
The Dean's Page: We Shall Have with Us
"Old Man Phos" and His Eccentricities, by Wayne L. Cockrell
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 04 No. 3 (March 1925) Contents:
Frontispiece--Quote about Jemshid from The Persian Book of Kings
Alphonso Taft Hall
Rigging a Spar Tree, by E. E. Feak
Electrical Safeguards against Property Loss, by S. A. Huffman
The New Madrid Earthquake and Reclamation, by Dewey Conrad
Art Versus Dynamos, by Mary Edith Cochnower
Research at The University, by R. S. Corwin
Professor Jenkins Abroad
Civilization's Harness Maker, by W. R. Parry
Enginering and Economics, by 0. C. Andrews
A Knight of the Rod and Chain, by A. J. Wildman
The Dean's Page: Limelight, Loot, and The Orator Tribe
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 04 No. 2 (December 1924) Contents:
Essentials of a College Education, by B. A. Batson
Athletic Review, by S. J. Miller
A New Center of Industrial Research
The Miami Fort Power Station, by O. T. Button
A Course In World Geography, by H. S. Alcorn
Cunard Line Posters, by Emma S. Moellman
The Nippert Memorial Lodge, by C. T. Hendrick
The Dean's Page: Where do we go from Here?
Alumni News
Review-"The Plastic Age"
Among the Colleges
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 04 No. 1 (September 1924) Contents:
The Archway, by B. A. Batson
The Nippert Memorial Stadium
The Evolution of an Athletic Field
McLaren's Battlers
A Geological Adventure, by A. J. Wildman
Factory Transportation, by J. R. Woodhull
Trade Association Statistics, by W. E. Dunkman
Cruise of the "Thirteen States" by George F. McPeck
The Engineering Tribunal The Dean's Page: An Anaysis of Work
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 03 No. 4 (June 1924) Contents:
Frontispiece--An Example of Balance, Light and Shade (drawing)
Cincinnati's Geological Past, by C. V. Theis
With the Co-eps, by Viola Seibert
A Ship's Birthday, by Earl Boat
Sales Engineering, by Howard C. Curtis
Automotive Supremacy, by Harry F. Berkdoll
A Hard Night's Study, by R. D. Landon
Leather Research Building, by S. J. Miller
Tanning, Art or Science? by P. W. Dorst
Engineering Courses, by O. D. Rice
Just a Tin Can, by L. B. Crabtree
The Dean's Page: Flivvers, Bathtubs, and Soap
The Dormitory H. E. Senf
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 03 No. 3 (March 1924) Contents:
My Hobby, by B. E. Batson
The Fighting Bearcats-1924
The Triple A. S. Convention, by Philip E. Wildman
Printing Inks, by Taylor W. Anstead
The Pittsburgh Co-ops, by S. B. Phelps
Engineering Research, by S. J. Felton
Co-ops at Georgia Tech., by R. E. Lamm
The Co-op Alumni Election
A Fire-Fighting Barrage for City Buildings, by Richard S. Brown
Mariemont--A Study in City Planning, by Frank Hardisty
The Dean's Page: The Resource Survey
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 03 No. 2 (December 1923) Contents:
Reclamation, by A. J. Wildman
On the Trail of the Bearcat, by Earl A. Fertig
Who's Who in Basketball, by James J. Campbell
The Barling Bomber, by D. W. Tyler
Business Cycles, by John B. Petzhold
Honduras, by J. W. Bradner
Kentucky Redems Herself, by H. E. Senf
Re-enforcing a Lake Front, by W. H. Ross
The Dean's Page: The New Course in Architecture
The Spiral Approach Bridge, by G. H. Elliott
Biography in Hieroglyphics
The Fraternity of Draftsmen, by Christoph Loeb
The Great Horseshoe Mystery, by W. L. C.
What is a Chemical Engineer? by R. E. Lamm
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 03 No. 1 (September 1923) Contents:
Cover by E. Greenberg
"Mars" -- painting by Frank P. Fairbanks
Along the Corridors, by S. J. Miller
Underground Electroplating, by George F. McPeck
A Father's Letter, by John D. Swain
Hoosegow, by Anonymous
The Dean's Page: The Why of our Pictures
The Alumni Directory
Radio Privacy, by George W. Sperti
University Types, by P. E. Phillips and D. W. Tyler
A Glance About the Engineering World
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 02 No. 4 (June 1923) Contents:
Man's Need for Science, by Mencius
The New Dormitory, by H. E. Senf
The New York Co-op Alumni, by L. O. Morrow
The Elephant Butte Dam, by Earl A. Fertig and P. H. Ingalls
As Soon as Possible, by R. W. Anderson
Radio Broadcasting, by Dorman D. Israel
A Laboratory Investigation
In Part Fulfillment, by S. J. Miller
Ranier Forest Trails, by Max M. Cawdrey
A Pittsburgh Co-op Club
Dixie, by S. M. Bailey
The Spirit of the Engineering College
The Dean's Page: Bandar-log or Bee?
The Athletic Council, by P. Willard Crane
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 02 No. 3 (March 1923) Contents:
Frontispiece, by E. Greenberg
Glimpses in a Rolling Mill, by R. S. Conrow
Bought or Sold, by G. C. Wilson
Power from Wood Waste, by A. C. Sigmon
A New Engineering Society, by R. C. Hose
Soliciting for City Ice, by A. B. Goodman
Education and Business Success, by W. A. R. Bruehl
Tribute to Major Guthrie
From Pelt to Belt, by Edwin R. Theis
Nocturnal Electrography, by L. B. Crabtree
With the Co-eps, by C. A.
Designing Artillery, by A. J. Wildman
House to House, by Edgar Rollwage
The Dean's Page: Quantitative Economics
Alumni Notes
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 02 No. 2 (December 1922) Contents:
The Code of Hammurabi, by P. W. Bertsch
Lighting the Sky, by Jack B. Silverman
Referees, by Richard W. Amick
Hints to Younger Engineers, by A. M. Lindsley
Commerce on the Ohio River, by A. G. Letherby
What Are the Co-cps Doing, by Elizabeth Schwebel
A Comparison of Labor Costs, by R. P. Sloan
The Six-Year Course, by Armand Knoblaugh
The Rookwood Fountain, by S. J. Miller
The Iron Ore Industry, by Frank E. Sanford
Marriage and the Co-op, by A. Benedict
Transportation, by Wayne L. Cockrell
As One Painter to Another, by Daniel Cook
The Dean's Page: Say it With Ease
Industrial Management, by M. B. Gordon
Alumni Notes
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 02 No. 1 (September 1922) Contents:
An Ancient Definition of Engineer, by F. W. Bertsch
The Completed Stadium, by Armand Knoblaugh
Modern River Terminals, by G. W. Breiel
A Hydro-Electric Development, by P. Blickensderfer
Personnel Management, by George D. Halsey
Sidelights on Camp Humphreys, by Robert Bissell
A Rural Sewage Disposal Plant, by Harold W. Hicks
Vacation Reminiscences:
Paddling in Northern Wisconsin, by C. M. Mason
The Switzerland of America, by A. C. Burroway
Varsity Athletics, by George W. Bradner
The Dean's Page: Your Next Thirty Years
A Glance About the Engineering World
Alumni Notes
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 01 No. 4 (June 1922) Contents:
Poem--The Miracle Man, by Berton Braley
The Co-op Pin, by R. J. Paulsen
The Dormitories, by Armand Knoblaugh
Locomotive Stokers, by W. L. Crowe
The U. C. Lighting Co., by O. S. Clark
City Streets, by F. H. Hardisty
The Galloping Pumper, by John P. Karcher
Flood Prevention in the Miami Valley, by A. J. Wildman, Elitt Geer and Others
Sage-Brush Country, by E. J. Taylor
Senior Theses, by A. B. Smedley
If Radio Keeps On- , by George Sperti
A Glance About the Engineering World
Athletic Notes, by George H. Bradner
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 01 No. 3 (March 1922) Contents:
Frontispiece by Daniel Cook
Poem - The Co-op in Spring, by Z. G. Deutsch
Radio Kinetics, by Ralph Reinhart
The Sperti Kva Meter, by O. S. Clark
Technical Advertising, by H. S. Ernst
Battleship Coal, by Richard Amick
How to Sell, by Stanton T. Olinger
Introducing the Co-ep Picture
Seniors of 1922--Entrepreneurs
Alumni William P. Fosdick and John G. Brueggemann
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 01 No. 2 (January 1922) Contents:
Frontispiece, plate of H. H. Wessel painting
H. H. Wessel, by A. J. Wildman
Seeing the Hobbies, by Armand Knoblaugh
Co-eps, by Mary Blood
A Problem in Production, by Walter Becker
From Tower to Embarrass, by Merle DeWees
An International Engineering Competition, by Yu Li
Editing "The Mixer," by Robert Sharp
Athletics, Fore and Aft, by George Bradner
The Ohio Suspension Bridge, by Richard Amick
The Transformation of Music Hall, by O. S. Clark
The New Southern Bridge at Cincinnati
The Night Shift at U. C.
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 01 No. 1 (October 1921) Contents:
A Message from Dean Schneider
The Night Mail - After Kipling, by Hollis H. Bush
Chili Nitrates, by D. G. Fuentes
Applications to The Club of Queer Trades
The Canal Zone in Retrospect, by John Moffet
Lateral Earth Pressure, by Jacob Feld
Aviation Development, by J. Mackenzie Miller
Football Prospects, by W. B. Baildon
A "Close-Up" of President Hicks