The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 12 No. 4 (July 1933) Contents:
Frontispiece - Campus Scenes - Administration - Van Wormer Hall
The Problem of Sewage Disposal, by Oscar S. Bray
Engineering Ethics, by Gregory James Lock
Color in Industry
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Willis Haviland Carrier, by Edwin W. Reese
A Method of Rolling Tin Plate, by Henry Niemczyk
Recent Developments in Concrete Highway Design, by A. B. Dugle
Ground Work for the New WLW Antenna, by George N. Pierce
Centerless Grinding, by Carl M. Beach
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 12 No. 3 (April 1933) Contents:
Frontispiece - Interiors - Cincinnati Union Terminal
The Dean's Page, by Herman C. Schneider
The Cincinnati Union Terminal, by Ned Drucker
Electric Spot Welding, by Joseph Ponte
The New Times-Star: Largest Cincinnati Daily Occupies Magnificent New Building
The Economics of Motor-Truck Transportation, by Irvin Kommnick
Fresh Painters
Co-op Day
General Electric and the College Graduate, by Dwight Moorehead
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 12 No. 2 (January 1933) Contents:
Frontispiece - Campus Scenes - Entrance to University YMCA
The Dean's Page, by Herman C. Schneider
From Microphone to Loudspeaker, by Harold C. Stocker
Slide Rules, by Ned Drucker and Aaron F. Levy
The Meaning of an Engineering Education, by Donald T. Michael
Prefabricated Houses, By Charles Levinson
Concerning Achievement, by W. B. Spellmire
American Engineers in Soviet Russia, by Rost Warden
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 12 No. 1 (October 1932) Contents:
Frontispiece - The New Lighting System, Nippert Stadium
The Dean's Page, by Herman C. Schneider
The Development of Modern Architecture, by Charles Levinson
Aluminum - The Industrial Genie, by Edwin W. Reese, Jr.
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Joseph B. Strauss, by Ned Drucker
Flying Cadets, by Joseph H. Hart
Ten Commandments for Auto-Towing Gliders, by Wolf Hirth, translated by W. G. Weninger
The Oklahoma City Oil Field, by Aaron F. Levy
Co-op Alumni with Westinghouse, by Howard Blair
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 11 No. 4 (June 1932) Contents:
Frontispiece - Cincinnati's New Gateway - The Cincinnati Union Terminal
Distribution Problem, by Prof. R. R. Sharrock
Dirt Track Racing Cars, by D. L. Schmidt
The new Physics, by Vollney Tullsen
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Elmer Ambrose Sperry, by Charles Kaufmann
Modern Steel Concrete Forms
The Cincinnati Union Terminal Takes Shape, by Oscar S. Bray
The Pause That Refreshes (poem), by Daniel Cook
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 11 No. 3 (April 1932) Contents:
Frontispiece - Shaded Portals of Science (Water color), by J. Swing Lewis
Banking Policy and the Depression, by Prof. W. P. Calhoun
Some Aspects of Television, By J. F. Jordon and J. E. Keto
A Visit to Wilson Memorial Auditorium, by Paul E. Heckel
Men Who Have Made Engineering - George Westinghouse, by Edward W. Reese, Jr.
Co-Operative Education - A National Institution, by Rost E. Warden
Among Our High-Brows
The Geology Camp (poem), by Prof. Daniel Cook
Characteristics of Effective Selling, by Dorothy Brown
Co-op Alumni with the Lunkenheimer Co., by Martin F. Milligan
Functions of the R. O. T. C., by Lennard C. Sorenson
The Glider Club
Army Ordnance Association
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 11 No. 2 (January 1932) Contents:
Frontispiece - Gymnasium and Stadium, by Prof. Daniel Cook
The New Physics Building, by Dr. R. C. Gowdy
The Vegetable Tanning of Sole Leather, by Merrill Leach
The Swiss Power Industry, by Eugene Roth
An Eclipse of Modern Civilization, by C. LeRoy Elliott
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Colonel G. W. Goethals, by Ned Drucker
Among Our High-Brows
"Never-Never Again My Dear", by Prof. Daniel Cook
Some Early Records of Wire Drawing, by Edwin E. Caspell
A Survey of Floodlighting, by George S. Myers
Our Unbalanced World, by Prof. H. B. Whaling
Alpha Kappa Psi, by H.E.Miller
Scabbard And Blade, by Ezra A. Blunt
A.S.M.E Activities, by W. L. Sorenson
Co-op Club Affairs, by William Foley
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 11 No. 1 (October 1931) Contents:
Cover Design, by Mel Bernstein
Frontispiece - Campus Scenes, by Lloyd V. Moser
The Fourth Great Era, by Dr. Herman C. Schneider
Altitude Testing of Aircraft Engines at the United States Bureau of Standards, by W. B. Ensinger
The Use of Explosives in Industry, by Oscar S. Bray
Why Should Engineers be Interested in Business Management?, by Prof. Francis H. Bird
Cincinnati's Police Radio System, by Richard W. Voslamber
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Anthony H. G. Fokker, by A. F. Levy
Co-op Employment as a Company Asset, by Max B. Robinson
A Century of Progress, by Carl Heyel
Athletics-A Preview, by Merril Leach
The Chem-Commerce Club, by Miriam Rollman
Kappa Kappa Psi
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 10 No. 4 (June 1931) Contents:
Cover Design, by Walter M. Conner
Frontispiece - The New Quadrangle (Education, Biology)
Fiction for the General Reader, by Professor Clyde W. Park
Small Automatic Coal Stokers, by Richard Steves
Uncle Sam's Reserve Navy, by Ronald A. Milner
Research in Engineering, by Howard A. Boltz
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Joseph Henry, by D. T. Michael
Development of Aviation in Cincinnati, by Oscar Schuster
Armco Co-op Alumni, by G. W. Breiel
Reviews of Technical Books
Petroleum Research at the Bureau of Standards, by Ezra Blount
Pi Chi Epsilon, by Miriam C. Rollman
Spring Sports, by Merrill Leach
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 10 No. 3 (April 1931) Contents:
Cover Design, by Mel Bernstein
Frontispiece - President Herman Schneider
Modern Trends in Physical Science, by Dr. Louis Brand
The Eastern State Parkway, by J. W. Bradner
Research in Aeronautics, by E. Blount
Michael Faraday, 1791-1867, by Carl Heyel
Fourth Annual Co-op Day, by R. W. Voslamber
The Late Helladic Age, by Professor John Oddy
The Alvey-Ferguson "Family of Co-ops", by C. L. Koehler
Co-ops and Alumni with the Telephone Company
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Major-General William L. Sibert, by Ruth Alexander
Delta Sigma Pi - Honorary Commercial Fraternity, by Leo G. Woerner
A Pen that Reaches to the Clouds
The Critical Angle of Splash, by Rex Vincent
Alpha Chi Sigma, Honorary Ch. E. Society
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 10 No. 2 (January 1931) Contents:
Frontispiece - The Engineering College Faculty - Ten Years Ago
A Decade of Co-eps, by Marjorie Stewart Palmer
The Ohio, by Oscar Bray
The Scientist As Modern Cook, by George Garnatz
Convention Experiences of a Co-op, by Edwin E. Caspell
Vertical Transportation in the Carew Tower, by R. W. Voslamber
"Look Ahead" by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
Commonwealth - A New Experiment in Education, by Dorothy Brown
A Letter from Russia, by W. L. Groene
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Charles Franklin Kettering
A Book's Tour, by Paul R. Fechheimer
The Michigan Super-Highway, by Elihu Geer
Our Own University Afloat (In The Clouds), by G. Oscar Schuster
Miss Engineer, by Margaret Wykoff
The Engineer's Club of Cincinnati, by David D. Congleton
Hobbies for Engineers, by Charles W. Lytle
A Class Baseball Team, by The Ch. E. Challengers
Athletics - Basketball Prospects, by Merrill Leach
Government and the Engineer, by Edwin E. Caspell
Eta Kappa Nu, by Henry Suter
The American Institute of Electrica Engineers, by F. F. Osterholtz
The Co-op Club, by R. W. Steves
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 10 No. 1 (October 1930) Contents:
Our Campus
Looking Back-Twenty-five Years, by Professor George W. Burns
The Philadelphia Experiments, by Carl Heyel
Steel Rails - the Back Bone of Concrete Structures, by W. R. Klinkicht Predictions (of Charles Proteus Steinmetz)
Physics in Modern Industry, by Miriam C. Rollman
Attic Pottery - Balance and Proportion, by Mel Bernstein
The Engineering College, by Harry C. Anderson
A Book's Tour, by Paul R. Fechheimer
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Dr. Steinmetz
The Engineering Tribunal, by Earl W. Soesbe
Tau Beta Pi, by Sam W. Gall
CO-EPS, by Miss Ruth Alexander
The R. O.T. C., by Gunnar Carlson
Athletics - a Preview, by Merrill Leach
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 09 No. 4 (June 1930) Contents:
Frontispiece - Obed Wilson Memorial Auditorium
Activities, by Professor C. A. Joerger
The Co-Operative System, by M. H. Nelson
Airplane Rib Structure, by G. Oscar Schuster
Unemployment, by Robert J. Gruber
Natural Gas Distribution, by C. R. Meese
Illumination in Architecture, by C. E. Young
Athletics in Retrospect, by Merrill R. Leach
Book Tours, by Paul R. Fechheimer
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 09 No. 3 (April 1930) Contents:
Frontispiece - Main Street, between Second and Fifth, 1830
Science and Engineering, by Professor R. S. Tour
The Beautiful Trans-Mountain Highway, by Ronald A. Milner
Steel Wire, by Edwin E. Caspell
Campus Events, by Harold Strauss
The New "Y", by Jack Grieshaber
A. I. Ch. E. Program, by E. A. Blount
Spring Athletics, by Merrill R. Leach
Third Annual Co-op Day, by Carl Heyel
Wage Incentive Methods - A Book Review, by Paul Fechheimer
Ruggles Visits the Commons
Book Tours, by Paul R. Fechheimer
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 09 No. 2 (January 1930) Contents:
Frontispiece - New Starrett Building, Cincinnati, by Walter W. Ahlschlager
Quo Vadimus?, by Prof. A. M. Wilson
Managing a City, by C. R. Harrell, City Manager, Portsmouth, Ohio
Basketball at Varsity, by Oscar S. Bray
Precast Concrete Bridges, by Oscar S. Bray
Gasoline Production, by C. R. Meese
Even Engineers Read Books, by Selma F. Hermann
How Your City Guards Your Home, by Fred F. Osterholtz
The New Calendar, by M. Leach
Where to Park (A New Robot)
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 09 No. 1 (October 1929) Contents:
Cover Design, by Fred Kock
Frontispiece - Views of the Lithographic Research Laboratory
The Dean's Page: The New University, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Our Team
The Course in Aeronautic Engineering, by Professor Bradley Jones
Statistical Summary of Co-op Graduates, by C. R. Meese
Research in Lithography, by Paul W. Dorst
The United States of Europe: From the Log-book of a Motorcycle Tourist, by Ralph S. Diserens
The Flying Cadets of the Air Corps, by C. E. Recknagel
Dynamometer Tests on Airplane Motors, by Selma F. Hermann
The Manly Art of Buying a Hat, by C. W. Lemcke