The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 20 No. 4 (July 1941) Contents:
Frontispiece - Aerial view of South Charleston, West Virginia
Dean's Page: Power, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
A Twenty-Year Resume, by Douglas Vest
What is Science?, by Dr. Boris Podolsky
Industries of the Kanawha Valley, by George Pow, Jr.
Old Trails and Turnpikes, by John A. Diehl
Engineering Activities, by Armando Fusaro
Radiant Heat, by Paul V. Meyer
Cincinnati's Safety Lanes, by John Doerner
Alumni in Guidance, by Florence Endebrock
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 20 No. 3 (April 1941) Contents:
Frontispiece - Industry for Defense, photography by Martin Littmann
Dean's Page: Backbone, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
The Engineering College and National Defense, by Professor Raymond W. Renn
Cincinnati Highway Maintenance, by Melvin Thomas
Engineers to Executives, by Alphonse O. Hurxthal
Student Research
Reduction-Reciprocating Steel Ball Drive, by Lowell Shallenberg
Designing a Marking Machine, by Thomas Chappelle
Rerouting Production Systems, by Jack Smith
The Bridge that Fell, by Rupert Anderegg, Jr.
Science Notes
Engineering Activities, by Eugene K. Feerer
Expansion of the Consulting Engineering Industry, by Elmer C. Slaughter
Snap Them in Color, by James Mott
Alumni in Governmental Positions, by Dawn Corneil
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 20 No. 2 (January 1941) Contents:
Frontispiece - Excerpt from the Ancient Code of Hammurabi
Dean's Page: Inventory, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Modern Commercial Aviation, by Howard A. McGlasson
A Glance toward Culture, by Professor Clyde W. Park
Fluorescent Lighting, by Elmer C. Slaughter
A Request for Biographical Material (about the late Dean Herman Schneider), by Professor Clyde W. Park
Aerial Mapping with T.V.A., by Charles Nuckolls
Behind the Glamour, by David Goldsmith
Engineering Activities, by Eugene K. Feerer
That Tough Steak, by Albert Walker
Careers in Metallurgy, by Dawn Corneil
Power from the Atom, by Martin Littmann
Engineering Ethics, by Carl Lohrey
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 20 No. 1 (October 1940) Contents:
Frontispiece - The King of the Tetons: Grand Teton, Wyoming
Dean's Page: Education and Preparedness, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Blazing New Trails in Training, by Calvin E. Bardes
Why Go To College?, by Professor C. A. Joerger
Go West, Young Man, by John P. Meyer
Furfural, the Farmer's Gift to Industry, by Daniel Singer
Safe Highways, by Melvin Thomas
A Critique of Honor Systems, by David Goldsmith
The New R. O. T. C. Armory, by Edward S. Miller
Frequency Modulation, by Calvin Bopp
Cooperatives - An American Ideal, by Ruth Mueller
Engineering Activities, by Eugene K. Feerer
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 19 No. 4 (July 1940) Contents:
Frontispiece - Boat Dock at Norris Dam
Dean's Page: One Way or the Other, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
An Engineer Looks at T.V.A., by J. W. Bradner
Flying for College Students, by Professor Bradley Jones
Covered Bridges, by John A. Diehl
Safe, Light Planes, by Monroe Duke
Science Notes, by Henry Eads
Honor System, by Ellsworth Nelson
Predicting Flood Crests, by John M. Popp
Engineers on the Campus, by Dawn Corneil
Synthetic Rubber Development, by Stanley Brill
Engineering Activities, by Philip Seeskin and Robert Panian
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 19 No. 3 (April 1940) Contents:
Frontispiece - Control Tower, Indianapolis Airport
Dean's Page: Past, Present and Future, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Why English?, by P. Willard Crane
Aviation Radio, by John Quitter
The Civil Engineer and Government Employment, by Professor Howard B. Luther
Student Research
Photographing Transparent Substances, by William Calhoun
Elastic Axis of Metal Wings, by Raymond Bisplinghoff
Hydraulic Transmission, by Harold Schultz and Jack Satterlee
Stressed Skin Research, by Frank Robinson and Irving Hirschfeld
Leather Research, by Edward S. Miller
Tributes to Dean Schneider
Plastics Take to the Air, by Monroe Duke
Engineering Activities, by Philip Seeskin and Robert Panian
Co-op Day Caricatures, by Charles Smith
The Center Of University Life, by Donald Dahlman
Engineers around the World, by Dawn Corneil and Ruth Mueller
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 19 No. 2 (January 1940) Contents:
Frontispiece - Schenectady Golf Course
Dean's Page: A Chemical Reaction, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Addition to Chemistry Building, by Edward Miller
Chemistry in Life, by Martin Littmann
Some Electrical Problems, by Professor A. M. Wilson
Alumnus at Work, by Edwin Allen
New Tribunal, by Everett Yelton
Engineering Activities, by Philip Seeskin and Robert Panian
Chemurgy Builds a Business, by Monroe Duke
Alumni in the Air, by Ruth Mueller
Economics in Television, by Calvin Bopp
Human-Relations Manual for Executives: A Review
Have You Have Seen Their Faces (poem)
In Re Memoirs, by Donald Montgomery
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 19 No. 1 (October 1939) Contents:
Frontispiece - Valley of Hell (Italy)
Acting Dean's Page: The Engineer, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Television Looks for Customers, by John Popp
Instruction in Industrial Relations, by Professor Francis H. Bird
Memoirs of a Crapshooter, by Douglas Vest
Reclaiming a Great Asset, by Edwin Allen
Steel Houses, by James Smith
Freshman Orientation, by Susanne Wolfe
Engineering Activities, by Philip Seeskin and Robert Panian
Electron Microscope, by William K. Schultz
Graduate Engineers Become Coordinators, by Ruth Mueller
A Living Memorial
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 4 (July 1939) Contents:
Cover Design - From Thirty Years of Educational Pioneering, inscription by William Bertsch
Frontispiece - Dr. Herman Schneider
The Acting Dean's Page, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
President Walters
Professor Brand
Donald Montgomery
Dr. Frank W. Chandler
Engineer's Club Of Cincinnati
Victor Kaufman
Philosophy in Lighter Vein
Bandar-Log or Bee?
Digestion and Destiny
Flivvers, Bathtubs and Soap
Technocrats and The Bogey-man
Cleaning the Attic
Thoughts on Fundamental Problems
An Analysis of Work
The Limiting Factors of Production
Abreast of the Past
At the End of the Great Trek
Education and Industrial Peace
Letters to the Alumni
To The Co-Op Alumni
May 29, 1936
May 24, 1937
A List of Dean Schneider's Writings
Ventures in Prophecy
Thirty Years of Educational Pioneering
Herman Schneider, Educational Consultant, by William Schultz
Dean Schneider's War Service, by Monroe Duke
A Shaft of Light
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 3 (April 1939) Contents:
Cover Design - Baldwin Hall, by Martin Littman
The Dean's Philosophy, by Dr. Herman Schneider
Frontispiece - The Builder: The New Chemistry Building, April 1939, by Martin Littman
Engineering Education of Tomorrow: A Critical Appraisal of the Value of an Education, by Prof. Reuben S. Tour
Spaceflight: The Limiting Factors Governing Interplanetary Travel, by Perry Ritchie
Student Research
A Time-Interval Indicator, by Robert G. Bennett and John Zimmer
A 200-Year Electrodatometer, by Frederick F. Johnson
Color Photography, by William Bertsche
Magnetic Recording, by Wynne W. Gulden
Co-op Day: A Photographic Survey, by Henry Jordan
Why Not?, by A. C. Burroway
Engineering Activities, by Charles Gall
A Survey of Engineering Education
Observations of an Engineering Education, by Irving Hirschfeld
What The Co-op System Has Meant To Me
Qualified Engineers, by Ed Allen
Science Notes
Crystal Structure and Biophysics: Physics' newest stepchild - the science of life
First to Fight: The Meaning of "Tell It To The Marines", by Lt. Arthur P. McArthur
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 2 (January 1939) Contents:
Cover - George S. Sperti
Frontispiece - Biological Research
Where Are We Going?, by Professor H. B. Whaling
Institutum Divi Thomae, by Dr. John H. Loofbourow
How Science Measures, by Dr. Douglas E. Scates
Controlled Light: the Phenomenon of Polarization, by Martin Littman
Chemiculture: Agriculture Becomes a Science, by Leland Leader
Frozen Foods, by William Gebhardt
Cartoon, by K. Henry Merkel
Engineering Activities, by Charles Gall
Tuning the Modern Radio, by John M. Popp
Exhibits at the World's Fair
Alma Mater
The New Chemistry Building
Science Notes
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 1 (October 1938) Contents:
Frontispiece - Transportation Building, New York World's Fair
The Economics of Germany's Four-year Plan, by Amy Diamond
Synthetic Fabrics, by Jack Meyer
TVA, by Donald Frye
"You Can't Beat Those Things"
Past Masters, by Harriet Kersting
Some Major Exhibits at the World's Fair
Light That Kills: the Conquest of Disease, by David Rosenberg
Music Produced Electrically, by John Popp
Engineering Activities -Tau Beta Pi
The Engineer and Modern Government, by William A. Heitmann
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 17 No. 4 (July 1938) Contents:
Frontispiece - In Memoriam (Joseph Baerman Strauss)
Beyond the Stars, by Paul Herget
Local Government, by Edwin H. Allen
Of Ships and People, by William G. Watkins, Jr., Clarence E. Watson
People Abroad, by William G. Watkins, Jr.
Working On Ships, by Clarence E. Watson
Diesel Engineering Schools, by Sheldon Myers
Cartoon, by K. Henry Merkel
Coal Coking by Electricity, by Marian Phares
Science Notes
"A Library of Books", by Emily Beyring
Book Reviews, by Donald Montgomery
Listen To It Fizz!, by Frank Messman
New Tools for the Metallurgist, by William K. Schultz
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 17 No. 3 (April 1938) Contents:
Frontispiece - The Engineering Quadrangle...Home of the Co-operative System of Education, drawing by Margaret Milligan
The Dean's Page: Outside the Cloister, by Dr. Herman Schneider
Co-op Migration: The Geographical Distribution of Co-ops
Mechanical Engineering Supports Industry, by Robert Bennett
Relieving Local Traffic Problems, by Sven Sjodahl and Harry Seuberling
Excerpts from Student Civils' Work Reports
Engineering Chemistry, by Jack Meyer
Commerce Creates a New Engineer, by Carl Lohrey
PROGRAM, Eleventh Annual Co-op Day
Amateur Radio at UC, by John Quitter
Manufacture of Stainless Steel Products, by William Schultz
Engineering Training for Business, by William Schluss
Diary of a Co-ep, by Alice Magee
Keeping Electricity a Reliable Commodity, by H. Benner Hoeper
Geological Engineering
Coordinating Outside Work
Little Snoopy Sees "Co-op Day"- Cartoon by H. Karl Merkel
Activities for Engineers
Co-eps in the Business World, by Marian Phares
Excerpts from Typical Work Reports of Co-op Students
Former Chairmen View "Co-op Day", by Elaine Schifrin
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 17 No. 2 (January 1938) Contents:
Frontispiece - Quenching Steel in Water
Coal Safeguards the Gasoline Supply, by Jack Meyer
Modern Alchemy, by D. A. Wells
Mechanical Moving Increases Efficiency, by A. J. Schenk
Aids Toward Getting the Job You Want, by Carl Lohrey
Engineering Lightens the Work of Our Eyes, by William Restemeyer
Scientific Photography, by David Rosenberg
What Students Read, by Emily Beyring
Co-ep Graduates Form Alumnal Group, by Mary Ellen Costello and Elaine Schifrin
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 17 No. 1 (October 1937) Contents:
Frontispiece - The Betta, of Oslo, Norway (ship)
The Dean's Page: Goose Liver Guidance, by Dr. Herman Schneider
Engineering Aids the Art of Music, by Armand Knoblaugh
Whys and Wherefores of Picture-Making, by Warren Wurster, Fred Brodersen, and John Friedman
Beauty, Handmaid of Efficiency, by Grace Schroetter
Export Markets for American Aircraft, by Donald Conrad
Chemistry's Service to the Physician, by Sheldon Myers
Surveying the Engineering Library, by Emily Beyring