Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 4 (July 1947) Contents:
Book Section: Unified Calculus by Smith, Salkover, and Justice
Frontispiece - Picture of High Speed Grinder Taken with Kodatron Lamp
Dean's Page: Extra-Curricular Activities, by C. Albert Joerger
The Greater Cincinnati Airport, by Sidney H. Reiter
The Eye with a Memory: Photography, a Valuable Aid to Engineers, by Gordon Zeidman and Dave Schilmeister
An Electronic Counter, by Roy L. Merwin
From the Editor's Desk...
Grads Around the Globe, by Lorraine Dowling
Cooperative Engineer Changes Staff
It Really Happened: Scientific Lingo Gives Way to Plain English
The Outstanding Engineer, 1946-47: Armando Fusaro Wins Coveted Ring, by John Kemeney
Angles of Incidents, by Gordon Zeidman and Robert Fremont
A Re-definition of Good Citizenship - Best Tau Beta Pi Essay of 1946-47, by Leonard Segel
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 3 (April 1947) Contents:
Letters to the Editor
Dean's Page: Now and Then, by C. Albert Joerger
Frontispiece - Giant of Steel - Growing Structure of the Terrace Plaza Hotel
Servo Mechanisms...Automatic Position Controls, by Claude Emmerich
Farming and Engineering, by Clair M. Hulley
From the Editor's Desk...a Forum on Student Affairs
The Lost Wax Method of Precision Casting, by Kenneth Guise
A Story in Pictures - Construction of the Hotel & Department Store Project in Downtown Cincinnati
The Co-op Engineer's Survey
It Really Happened...the Invisible Suit
Angles of Incidents, by Gordon Zeidman and Charles Meyers
The Engineers' Ball
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 2 (January 1947) Contents:
Cover Photo - McMicken Hall, oldest building on our campus
Dean's Page: The Engineering Mind, by C. Albert Joerger
Frontispiece - The Old and the New (tensile testers)
Color Television, by Labron W. Miller
Pro and Con - A debate on labor, by John Kemeney and Alexander Stolley
From the Editor's Desk
The Manufacture of Whiskey, by Fred H. Braun
A Challenge and an Opportunity, by Karl T. Compton
Tau Beta Pi Prize Essay, by Don Dartnall
Grads Around The Globe, by Lorraine Dowling
Recent Developments, by Alexander Batscha
Angles of Incidents, by Gordon Zeidman and Charles Meyers
It Really Happened
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 1 (October 1946) Contents:
Cover photo - Baldwin Hall
Dean's Page: Another Twenty-Five Years, by C. Albert Joerger
Frontispiece - The King of the Tetons
It Seems Only Yesterday, by Clyde W. Park
Flivvers, Bathtubs, and Soap, by Dr. Herman Schneider
A Chemical Reaction, by Dr. R. C. Gowdy
The Take-Off, by B. W. Schellenbach
If Radio Keeps On, by George Sperti
Tradition Wears a Red Tie, by Lorraine Dowling
The Editors Speak...a forum of student affairs
The Coefficient of Lipstick Distribution, by Joel Rhodes
From Co-ed to Co-ep, by Clyde W. Park (from Ambassador to Industry)
The Spirit of the Engineering College, drawing by Paul F. Nocka
Dictionary of University Types, by P. E. Phillips
Angles of Incidents, by Gordon Zeidman
A Twenty Year Resume, by Douglas Vest
You Can't Beat Those Things
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 23 No. 2 (Summer 1946) Contents:
Cover Photo - U.S. Army P-80 "Shooting Star" Jet-fighter
Letters to the Editor
Dean's Page: Forty Years of the Co-op System, by C. Albert Joerger
Frontispiece - Nighttime Downtown Cincinnati
Cincinnati's Master Plan
Pulse Position Modulation: a New Communications Principle, by Armando Fusaro
The Turbo-Encabulator In Industry, courtesy Arthur D. Little, Inc.
The Rocket...Engine of Tomorrow, by Walter H. Friedlander
Thermal Jet Propulsion, by Sydney H. Reiter
The Hughes H-4 Airplane: a Giant Cargo Craft Built Entirely of Wood, courtesy of Army Ordnance Magazine
A New Physical Concept: E=MC 2, by John Kemeny
Grads Around the Globe, by Betty Zuckerman
Angles of Incidents, by Charles A. Witte
Industrial News and Other Features
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 23 No. 1 (Spring 1946) Contents:
Frontispiece - Faith of the Engineer (a professional pledge)
Dean's Page: For the Duration, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Recent Developments in Metal Cutting, by Michael Field
Cooperatively Thinking (editorial about veterans and reactivating professional organizations)
Engineering - A Profession, by Walter H. Friedlander
Labor Trends and Labor Policy, by Dean Francis H. Bird
Atomic Symposium, Moderator: Sydney H. Reiter
Atomic Energy, by Boris Podolsky
Industrial Applications of Atomic Energy, by Hoke S. Green
Social Effects of an Atomic Age, by Ernest L. Talbert
Women in Engineering, by Betty Zukerman
Angles of Incidents, by Betty Jane Miller
Grads Around The Globe, by Mary Ann Coffey
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 22 No. 4 (Summer 1943) Contents:
Dean's Page: For the Duration, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - Montevideo, Uruguay
Wartime Driving with Half Your Motor Idle, by Robert G. Hinners
How the Japs Got Scrap, by Joseph S. Pieczontka and Robert L. Zweigel
A Co-op from Uruguay Exhibits his Land of Plenty, by Pedro R. Pomeroy
A Co-Op from Argentina Surveys Engineering Training, by Francisco J. Mirich
Preview Selections from "Ambassador to Industry", by Professor Clyde W. Park
Electro-polishing, by Fritz S. Nussbaum
The Schneider Foundation - A Tribute of Industry, by Roger L. Laib
"The Foreman's Handbook," a Book Review, by Claude L. Emmerich
Cooperating for Victory, by Betty M. Loos
Co-op Capers, by Charles A. Witte
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 22 No. 3 (Spring 1943) Contents:
Dean's Page: A.S.T.P., by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - Lucite Streamlines Bomber Noses
The Engineering of Plastics, by Robert H. Brunst
Cyclotron: Master of Atoms, by Charles R. Borders
Training for Industry, E.S.M.W.T., by Assistant Professor William E. Restemeyer
Training for Action, A.A.F., by John Kemeny
Gateway to the South, by Albert S. Walker
Technical Training in the U.S.S.R., by Professor Clyde W. Park
The Coefficient of Lipstick Distribution, by Joel Rhodes
An Engineering Education, by Edward L. Culver
Cooperating for Victory, by Virginia Harris
"Analytic Geometry", a Book Review, by Claude L. Emmerich
Co-op Capers, by Jay Antenen
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 22 No. 2 (Winter 1943) Contents:
Dean's Page: Electrons, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - Production for Victory (tanks)
Ersatz for Gasoline, by Roger Laib and Fred Levine
Electronic Control, by Franklin Malick
A Worker in Hungary, by J. Benjamin Horvay
How do you Rate as a Professor or a Student, by Sidney Rindsberg
River, Stay Away From My Door, by Kurt Weisbacher
Man, the Master of His Mind, by Robert L. Winston
Scientific Production, by Albert Walker
Cooperating for Victory, by Virginia Harris
Co-op Capers, by Jay Antenen
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 22 No. 1 (Autumn 1942) Contents:
Dean's Page: Price Ceiling, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - The City of the Future as Modeled by Norman Bel Geddes
Radiant Heating: A Factor of Human Comfort, by John Kemeny
Pressed Metals, by Harold Wright
Chromatography, Chemists' New Tool, by Daniel Singer
Analysis for Engineers, by Claude Emmerich
Industrial Management...An Adaptation to War, by Dr. Francis H. Bird
Strangest Key on the Campus, by Professor Clyde W. Park
Tagged Atoms, by Albert Walker
Cooperating for Victory, by Virginia Harris
Co-op Capers, by Franklin Malick
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 21 No. 4 (July 1942) Contents:
Dean's Page: E.S.M.D.T., by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - Symbols of Air Power
Ham Radio Ready to Fight, by James Wilson
Guiding Hyper-Frequency Waves, by Professor W. C. Osterbrock
Linking the Americas, by Albert Walker
Professor Cook, Versatile Artist, by Margaret Lavell
High-Octane Fuel, Our Weapon, by Henry Eads
Co-op Capers, by James Royer
Book Review, by Donald Montgomery
Alumni Doing Their Part, by Virginia Harris
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 21 No. 3 (April 1942) Contents:
Dean's Page: Acceleration, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - El Cristo De Los Andes
Rapid Transit - Fact and Fancy, by Donald Sempsrott
Mathematics and Reality, by Dr. Louis Brand
Let's Go to Panama, by George Reider
Credit Unions - Financial Cooperatives, by William Gahr
South American Wonderland, by Albert Walker
We Can Take It: Cooperation for Victory, Drawings by Peggy Lavell
UC's New Wind Tunnel, by H. P. Liepmann
Milk-Made Fabric, by Leroy Pryse
Chivalry for Moderns, by Ruth Mueller
Co-op Capers, by Armando Fusaro
The Coop Engineer Office
Alumni Cooperate, by Florence Endebrock
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 21 No. 2 (January 1942) Contents:
Dean's Page: Wisdom and Hysteria, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Frontispiece - The Male Animal (radiograph of a man)
Lightning - Nature's Weapon, by Fred I. Levine
Education in Colombia, S. A., by Professor C. B. Hoffmann
Electrical Power in Aircraft, by Franklin S. Malick
X-Ray - Analyzer, Healer, by Charles A. Riggs
Traffic Engineering, by James R. Wichman
Co-op Capers, by Armando Fusaro
Man and Happiness, by J. René Roché
History Repeats, by Robert L. Tour
Science Notes
North, South, East, and Vest, by Douglas Vest
They Build for Defense, by Florence Endebrock
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 21 No. 1 (October 1941) Contents:
Dean's Page: Afterwards, by Dr. Robert C. Gowdy
Twenty Years of Co-eps, by Douglas Vest
Let's Talk About the Weather, by Dr. C. Harrison Dwight
Cincinnati, Defense Center, by Albert Walker
Mathematics of Music, by John R. Van Wye
Glass Blocks, by Barry Rice
Science Notes
Co-op Activities, by Armando Fusaro
Go West, Young Woman, by Juanita Randolph
Far-Flung Alumni, by Florence Endebrock
An Engineer Looks at Colombia, by Professor C. B. Hoffmann