Cooperative engineer. Vol. 32 No. 4 (June 1955) Contents:
Cover - Sundial in Quadrangle, gift of Class of '55
Frontispiece - Convair XFY-l Pogo taking off... Straight Up!
Pogo-Planes, by Dick Folkerth
X-Ray Diffraction, Non Destructive Inspection, by Steve Roen
The Case for Celestial Phenomena, by Bob Hofferberth
New Staff, by John Price
Steam Auto, by Stanley Litz
Engine Charley's Ko-op Kalendar: Miss Beverly Bacon
Quadrangle News
Brain Teaser Contest, by James H. Tarter
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 32 No. 3 (March 1955) Contents:
Frontispiece - Scale Model of Third Street Distributor
Expressways, by Deane Ivers
Mind over Matter, by James Weir
Information Theory Part 1, by G. Hans Muller [Müller]
Electromagnetic Pumps, by Eugene F. Mayleben
Colt's Frontier...history of an American legend, by John D. Breslin
Engine Charley's Ko-op Kalendar: Geri Roberts
"S" Lipstick Wielders, by Delores Manchester
Quadrangle News
Brain Teaser Contest, by James H. Tarter
Remember When?, by Fred W. Lipfert
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 32 No. 2 (January 1955) Contents:
Cover - Fieldhouse Armory [Armory Fieldhouse] drawing, by Judy Miller
Frontispiece - Radar height-finder, Syracuse, N.Y.
Engineers Vs. Unions, by Guy A. Martz
The Channel Wing, An Unusual Aircraft, by Wayne Z. Prickett
The Quest, by Fred Lipfert
A Fieldhouse is Born
Brain Teaser Contest, by James H. Tarter
Engine Charley's Ko-op Kalendar: Miss Ann Wells
The Engineer's Ball, by James Stockert
The Parking Situation, cartoons by Mike Griffith
In Memoriam: Dr. Earl Frederick Farnau
Quadrangle News
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 32 No. 1 (October 1954) Contents:
Frontispiece - Meteor Camera
Celestial Navigation...Ancient and useful, by G. Hans Müller [Muller]
Stereophonic Sound...Audible 3-D, by J. Leo Collins
To Coin a World, by F. Richard Folkerth
Radio Paging...A Novel Service, by Eugene F. Mayleben
Senior Interviews...Helpful Hints, by John Richard Hunt
Engine Charley's Ko-op Kalendar: Miss Pat Orth
Brain Teaser Contest, by James H. Tarter
Russia Produces Engineers, released by ASME
Quadrangle News
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 31 No. 4 (June 1954) Contents:
Cover - Cincinnati drawing by Robert Martin
Frontispiece - City Manager C. A. Harrell
City Manager: C. A. Harrell, by Ronald R. Eckelmann
Red Tape Can Be Useful...magnetic tape recording, by John T. Heizer
Senior Personalities, by John T. Price and F. Richard Folkerth
Annual Industrial Scholarships in the College of Engineering
Pulse Columns...for extraction, by Carl Bahme
Atomic Battery, by Richard Hunt
Tall Totem...new staff, by Jim Stockert
Quadrangle News
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 31 No. 3 (March 1954) Contents:
Cover - Design by Judy Miller
Editorial - Humanities in Engineering
Mathematics, Physics and Life, by George R. Pitman, Jr.
Guided Missiles, by Robert A. Nies
Within the Nucleus, by George H. Albrecht
Automotive Gas Turbines, by James E. Stockert
Patents, by Ronald G. Adolph
Atomic Engine
Power Steering, by Dale W. Alspaugh
Quadrangle News
The Powers That Be...informal sketches of our department heads, by Ronald R. Eckelmann and F. Richard Folkerth
Radiant Heating, by John A. Burgess
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 31 No. 3 (January 1954) Contents:
Cover - Design by Alan Crooks
Frontispiece - Fluids Laboratory
Fluids Laboratory, by Thomas T. Kirk and L. Fred Utsch
Inspecting Without Inspectors, by James H. Tartar
UHF- TV, by John T. Heizer
Nature's Time Travelers, by George R. Pitman
Quadrangle News
Power in the West, by Julian Jaffe
H-Pills, by Ronald E. Rosensweig
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 31 No. 2 (October 1953) Contents:
Cover - Fabrication and metals, design by Robert Martin
Frontispiece - Bridge spanning Rio Blanco River, Mexico
Welding...for permanent fabrication, by John A. Burgess
Spray Towers, by Berkeley Hathorne
Beer Production, by Ronald G. Adolph
The Co-op Plan at U.C., by Dean C. A. Joerger
Professional Registration, by Edward W. Wedbush
Hot Gas Defrosting, by Kenneth R. Kemper
Peat, by John C. Chato
Quadrangle News, by John Price
Chi Epsilon Project, by Arvie Maynard
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 30 No. 4 (June 1953) Contents:
Cover - Art by Robert E. Martin
Frontispiece - Photo of Jaguar cornering
Roller Skate, by John T. Heizer and Donald Neal
Statistical Quality Control, by James H. Tarter
A Glass of Beer, by Guy Martz
Heat Pump, by Ronald Rosenweig
Grade Survey
Senior Personalities, by John Price
UP - How High, by Alan Tilton
Amateur Radio, by Hans Mueller
New Staff, by Guy Martz
Quadrangle News, by Arvie Maynard
Ohio Turnpike, by Richard Anderegg
Herbert Hoover...on engineers
Touring With Clipson
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 30 No. 3 (March 1953) Contents:
Frontispiece - Concrete Saucer to house an atomic power plant by AEC
Nuclear Propulsion, by Fred Lipfert
Shell Molding, by George Hooover
Transistors, by Ed Perko
Field House, by Ozzie Haddad
Heat Wall, by Norman Malmuth
Stereoptics, by Ronald E. Rosensweig
Hydroform, by James E. Doone
Methods-Time Measurement, by Leo Weber
Howe's Concrete: 10% Formula X, by Ronald G. Adolph
Duck-Billed Platypus, by Ben Evans
Cinerama, by Dale Alspaugh
Quadrangle News, by Marjorie Lansdale
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 30 No. 2 (January 1953) Contents:
Frontispiece - Dow Corning plant producing silicones
The Silicones, by W. Benjamin Evans
The Fourth Day, by Gerald X. Diamond
Synthetic Fibers, by Donald C. Ebel
High Fidelity, by John T. Heizer and Donald Neal
Radioactive Isotopes, by G. Hans Mueller
Quadrangle News, by Arvie Maynard
Civils Grow...labs grow, by Arvie L. Maynard
The Craven, poem by W. R. Becker, R. S. Denham, and E. A. Poe
Local Color, by Ron G. Adolph, George H. Hoover, Richard Bevington
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 30 No. 1 (October 1952) Contents:
Dean's Page, by C. Albert Joerger
Universal Star Survey, by Ronald Rosensweig
Natural Gas, by John Burgess
98 % Clear...modern fly ash precipitation, by Ronald Adolph
BeckjordPower Plant, by Donald C. Ebel
Indian Rope Trick, by John Heizer
Quadrangle News, by Arvie Maynard
In Memoriam: Reuben S. Tour
The Second Mile, by Charles G. Fellwock
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 29 No. 4 (June 1952) Contents:
Frontispiece - Pelletizing Pilot Plant
Pelletizing Process...utilizes low grade iron ore, by Donald C. Ebel
Xerography...the latest in printing technique, by Walter E. Herman
Next Year's Staff, by Avie L. Maynard
Prestressed Concrete, by William G. Bosley
Quadrangle News, by Paul L. Pfennigwerth
On Top of North America, by William B. Evans
Personalities, by Roy S. Denham, Robert B. Krapp, and James H. Tarter
Co-op Quips, by Fred Lipfert and Dale Alspaugh
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 29 No. 3 (March 1952) Contents:
Frontispiece - Large Injection Molding Press
Plastic Injection Molding, by William B. Evans
Rubber Roads, by Ronald Rosensweig
Automatic Transmissions, by John A. Burgess
Personalities, by John T. Heizer
U.C. 1972!
Thermo Song
Quadrangle News, by Paul Pfennigwerth
In Memoriam: William C. Osterbrock and Gerald A. Cowan
Co-op Day, by Leo L. Weber
U.C.'s Wind Tunnel, by Robert Krapp
Midget Cupola, by Gerald Diamond
Co-op Quips, by Fred Lipfert and Dale Alspaugh
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 29 No. 2 (January 1952) Contents:
Frontispiece - Buschman Conveyor at a Crosley Division Plant
Conveyers, by James F. Thorpe
Employment Hints, by Donald C. Ebel
Traffic Control, by John T. Heizer
Water Wizard, by Leo L. Weber
Sewage Treatment, by Gerald J. Robinson
Co-op Quips, by Seymour Gold and Paul Mehler
Quadrangle News, by Paul Pfennigwerth
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 29 No. 1 (October 1951) Contents:
Cover - Drawing of Sixth Street Viaduct
Frontispiece - Westinghouse Turbine
Atomic Outlook, by Arthur R. Root
Printed Circuits, by Gerald Diamond
The Autopilot, Richard L. Bernard
U. C. Expands!
Co-ep Club, by Dorothy A. Sewell and Barbara G. Wilson
Presenting... The Osterbrocks, by Leo L. Weber
Calling W8YX!, by John T. Heizer
Campus News, by Paul Pennigwerth
The Engineering Society of Cincinnati, by William B. Evans
Ogling with Ogle, by Ray Ogle