The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 05 No. 4 (June 1926)


The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 05 No. 4 (June 1926)
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 05 No. 4 (June 1926)
UC Archive source
Cover design, by V. D. Grentzenberg (Doric Order Competition)
Frontispiece, by Georqe Roth (Doric Order Competition)
Verse from Prometheus Bound, by Aeschylus (John Stuart Blackie, trans.)
Editorials--A Co-op Symposium
The Spring Season in Athletics, by W. V. Arnold
Arthur McQuaid, American: A Shaft of Light, by Herman Schneider
Better Lighting Pays, by C. E. Young
Business Forecasting, by W. A. Baude
Florida and the Co-op, by Allen Z. Day
Glimpses of China
On Culture and the Engineer, by W. E. Stilwell, Jr.
The Theory of Least Work, by Chester K. Sterrett
A Notable Army Career, by L. L. Lamborn

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