The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 07 No. 2 (January 1928)


The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 07 No. 2 (January 1928)
The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 07 No. 2 (January 1928)
UC Archive source
Cover Design, by Herman Bischoff
Frontispiece - The First-Floor Corridor
The Next Hundred Years, by Dr. Herman Schneider
A Prophecy Written in 1848, by George Colin Davies
All in the Day's Work, by Edward Frankewich
Chelan Power, by L. D. Johnson
The Log of the University Afloat, by Judson Mather
Turkish Art and Architecture, by H. A. Wolsdorf
Steam Wells, Abstracted by M. Leach
Glimpses of School and Job-
Free Eats at the Dorm, by H. J. Sweeny
A Quadrilateral Smash-up, by C. C. Tabor

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