The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 15 No. 3 (April 1936)
- Description
Frontispiece - Single Circuit Tower - Boulder Dam Transmission Line
Engineering Evidence, by Joseph Ponte
The Dean's Page: Shackles and Security, by Dr. Herman Schneider
Sound in Your Theatre, by R. Dale Moore
Alumnigraphs - A Series of Occupational Sketches, by Ruth Kroger
The Spearpoint of Traffic Safety, by George L. Alcoke
Sewage Disposal for Cincinnati, by Frank J. Messmann
Tensor Analysis in Engineering, by Winston E. Kock
Avigation by Radio, by Dave Meeker
Co-op Day, by Donald Montgomery - Date
- 1936-04
- Item sets
- Cooperative Engineer volumes 13-16
Position: 198 (62 views)