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Cooperative Engineer volumes 49-52
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 52 No. 3 (Spring 1975) Contents: Co-op Primer III, by Stephen A. Lang Women in Engineering, by Linda Wallace Life Insurance as an Investment, by Warren E. Anderson, Jr. Thin-Film Hybrid Circuits Cooperative Education at Graduate Level Letters to the Editor News Briefs
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 52 No. 2 (Winter 1975) Contents: Co-op Primer II, by Stephen A. Lang Solar Heat, by Joe Bohlen, Sam Greene and Michael Kelly A History of Chemical Engineering, by Susan Arters Student Essays: The Social Characteristics of the Engineer, by Bill Triplett The Engineering "Attitude", by Steve Sandor The Engineer, Humanities and Society, by M. F. Kelly Letters to the Editor News Briefs
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 52 No. 1 (Autumn 1974) Contents: Optical Communications Co-Op Primer I, by Stephen A. Lang Reflections on Teaching Theory, by Dr. Stanley Cosgrove Letters to the Editor Tribunal Notes, by John Hulick Dean's Page, Dr. C. M. Adams News Briefs
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 51 No. 3 (Summer 1974) Contents: Metrication, by G. Allen Ropp Recreational Ecological Vehicle Competition, by Ron Buckley, Dave Groen Multi-Feedback Control, by Dr. Roger M. Clay Engine Charlie's Italian Delight: Char Ghezzi News Briefs, by Rick Davies, Jim Siekermann E. M. Fields, by Paul Edwards The Student Review, by Dan Kellogg
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 51 No. 2 (January 1974) Contents: Micro Shock, by Jerry Taylor and Pat McKelvey Tropical Fish: A Fish Story, by Al Brunck Steam Jet Ejectors, by Brent Stiles Date Rater Dean's Page, by Dean Cornelius Wandmacher Engine Charlie's Winter Wonder: Jo Moreno News Briefs, by Rick Davies, Jim Siekermann E. M. Fields, by Paul Edwards The Student Review, by Dan Kellogg
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 51 No. 1 (November 1973) Contents: Views from a Chemical Engineering Co-op, by Ron Andrews Cascade Vs. Single Loop, by Roger M. Clay and Charles D. Fournier Wine Making Revisited Engine Charlie's Fall Favorite: Mischelle Frost News Briefs, by Rick Davies, Jim Siekermann E. M. Fields, by Paul Edwards
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 50 No. 3 (Spring 1973) Contents: Union Terminal, by Dick Jacobs The Middle Aged Housewife in the Military-Industrial Complex, by Sally Robertson What They Do and What They Think, by Julianne Fealey, James F. Thorpe Engine Charlie: Connie Woistmann News Briefs, by Rick Davies, Terry O'Hara
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 50 No. 2 (Winter 1973) Contents: Adventures of Super Gear, by Chuck Naegeli Inside Quagmire, by Stan Glantz Changes in Engineering Education, by J. F. Thorpe, Head Mechanical Engineering Dept Engine Charlie: Peggy Ryan News Briefs, by Rick Davies
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 50 No. 1 (November 1972) Contents: Engineering Analysis, by Dick Jacobs, Ed Hamilton Bee Keeping, by Bob Pessler Buy or Rent - An Economic Study, by Roger Obert Engine Charlie's Autumn Beauty: Donna Scott News Briefs, by Rick Davies
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 49 No. 4 (May 1972) Contents: Nuclear Power: The Zimmer Station, by Dick Jacobs Bart - San Francisco Rapid Transit, by Rick Davies Man, Space Flight and Medicine, by Charles A. Berry Engine Charlie's Spring Sensation: Sue Tuerck News Briefs, by Ed Hamilton, Bob Keith, Rick Davies
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 49 No. 3 (March 1972) Contents: Thoughts of the President on Engineering: Dr. Warren G. Bennis, by Gary Smock, Bruce Lippard, Doug Mehlhorn The Engineer in Society, by Dan Russ The Living Function Engine Charlie: Caren Levy News Briefs, by Gary Smock, and Marv Leeper
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 49 No. 2 (January 1972) Contents: New Directions in Aerospace Engineering, by Dick Jacobs, Ed Hamilton Academic Climate: The Report Of The 1971 Academic Climate Committee Places to See in Cincinnati, by Doug Mehlhorn, Bruce Lippard Engine Charlie's Winter Delight: Svea Sjodahl News Briefs, by Rick Davies, Bob Keith
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 49 No. 1 (November 1971) Contents: The Job Interview, by Doug Mehlhorn and Bruce Lippard Academic Climate Technology Applied, by John Purcell Engine Charlie's Fall Fancy: Donna Free News Briefs, by Rick Davies, Dick Jacobs, Ed Hamilton