Video: Lecture 4, "Planning for the Third Edition of Vesalius's 'Fabrica'"


Lecture 4: "Planning for the Third Edition of the Fabrica"
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Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions
Dr. Margócsy introduces a modern story about the second edition of the "Fabrica." In 2007, Gerard Vogrincic, MD, a Canadian pathologist and collector of annotated rare books, purchased a second edition at auction in Hamburg, Germany, at a very modest price. Studying the book carefully, he noted that the number of annotations was excessive with whole lines crossed out and rewritten. It appeared that the person annotating the book in the margins was re-writing the book and he wondered if this could be Vesalius’s personal copy. Checking the handwriting with known copies of original Vesalius letters housed in Uppsala, Sweden, strongly suggested this. Dr. Vogrincic asked renowned medical historian and Vesalius scholar, Vivian Nutton, PhD, emeritus professor, University College of London, to study the copy, translate the annotations and verify that this was Vesalius’s personal copy he was using to prepare a third edition. Drs. Vogrincic and Nutton will relate this remarkable story. The copy of Vesalius’s annotated second edition is housed in the Fisher Library at the University of Toronto.
Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions
Alternative Title
The Illustrated Human: Impact of Andreas Vesalius Lecture 4
Daniel Margócsy
Vivian Nutton
Gerard Vogrincic
Andreas Vesalius
De humani corporis fabrica libri septem

Position: 222 (62 views)