Draft Attorney A poster advertising the service of Stephen Butter, A Draft Attorney who would be on UC's campus on January 29 in the Tangeman University Center (TUC). The year is unknown.
Anti-Fascist protest poster Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Hate Speech is Hate" and "#bearcatsresist" are written on the poster
Nobody's Free protest poster Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Nobody's Free Until Everybody's Free -- Fannie Lou Hamer" is written on the poster
Go Team Anti-Fascist protest poster Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Go Team Anti-Fascist" and "#bearcatsresist" are written on the poster. An image of the UC Bearcat also appears on the poster
Rally to Protest U.S. and Soviet Invasion of Laos A flyer announcing a rally at the Tangeman University Center on UC's campus at 12:30 on a Thursday afternoon to call for immediate U.S. and Soviet withdrawl from Laos. The rally was to have scheduled speakers and an open mic. The rally likely took place during the late Winter or early Spring of 1971. The rally was
Vietnam War Protest Photo 1 Students protesting in a hallway.
Vietnam War Protest Photo 2 Students protesting in a university building.
Vietnam War Protest Photo 3 Students protesting in a University building
Vietnam War Protest Photo 5 Students protesting in a campus building.
Professor to Watch Out For protest poster Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Professor to Watch Out For" are written on the poster
Rally to Protest U.S. and Soviet Invasion of Laos A flyer announcing a rally at the Tangeman University Center on UC's campus at 12:30 on a Thursday afternoon to call for immediate U.S. and Soviet withdrawl from Laos. The rally was to have scheduled speakers and an open mic. The rally likely took place during the late Winter or early Spring of 1971.