Protests against White Supremacy
Richard Spencer is a white-supremacist public speaker, who helped plan the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 that resulted 19 people being injured and one person being killed. That same year, Richard Spencer's supporters attempted to book events for Spencer at several colleges and universities including the University of Cincinnati.
The Univesity of Cincinnati's administration responded by affirming their commitment to free speech and allowing Spencer's supporters to book an event during Spring Break and also insisting on a fee of over $11,000 for both the rental and security costs. Spencer's attorney, Kyle Weber filed a lawsuit on the grounds that the security and rental fee was unconstitutional.
On October 19, 2017, several campus and community organizations gathered at the New Prospect Baptist Church to protest Spencer and to make plans for the day of the event. They felt like an event like this needed direct confrontation. The University administration had also announced plans for a "We Chose Love" event to take place at the same time as the Spencer speech.
Eventually both Spencer's attorney and UC voluntary dismissed the case and Richard Spencer did not appear at UC. Below, though, are images of poster's created by Breanne Trammel to protest Richard Spencer's planned event.

Nobody's Free protest poster
Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Nobody's Free Until Everybody's Free -- Fannie Lou Hamer" is written on the poster

Anti-Fascist protest poster
Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Hate Speech is Hate" and "#bearcatsresist" are written on the poster

Go Team Anti-Fascist protest poster
Poster protesting white supremacist, Richard Spencer's request to speak at the University of Cincinnati in 2017. The words "Go Team Anti-Fascist" and "#bearcatsresist" are written on the poster. An image of the UC Bearcat also appears on the poster
Resources for Further Information
Justin Ruetter and Jason Fisher, "Spencer’s UC visit to be protested by coalition, details discussed in open forum," University of Cincinnati News Record,
,"Coalition Discussed Organizing Against Spencer," University of Cincinnati News Record,
Justin Ruetter, "Pinto clarifies stance following concerns over Spencer visit," University of Cincinnati News Record,
University of Cincinnati, "We Chose Love,"
Kate Murphy, "Richard Spencer visit off as lawsuit against University of Cincinnati is dropped," The Cincinnati Enquirer,
More of Breanne Trammell's work