
Works by Ambrose Bierce

Bierce, Ambrose. Nuggets and Dust: Panned Out in California. London: Chatto and Windus, Publishers, 1872.

———. The Fiend’s Delight. London: Hotten, 1872.

———. Cobwebs from an Empty Skull. London: Routledge and Sons, 1874.

———. The Dance of Death. San Francisco, CA: Henry Keller and Co., 1877.

———. Black Beetles in Amber. San Francisco, CA: Western Authors Publishing Co., 1892.

———. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians. San Francisco, CA: E.L.G. Steele, 1891.

———. The Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter, with C. A. Danzinger. Chicago: F.J. Schulte, 1892.

———. Can Such Things Be? New York: Cassell Publishing Co., 1893.

———. Fantastic Fables. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1899.

———. Shapes of Clay. San Francisco, CA: W.E. Wood, 1903.

———. The Cynic’s Word Book. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1906.

——— .The Shadow on the Dial, and Other Essays. Edited by Silas Orrin Howes. San Francisco, CA: A.M. Robertston, 1909.

———. Write It Right. New York and Washington: Neale Publishing Co., 1909.

———. The Collected Works. 12 vols. New York and Washington: Neale Publishing Co., 1909-1912.

Select Fiction

Bierce, Ambrose. Ambrose Bierce’s Civil War. Edited with an introduction by William McCann. New York: Regnery Gateway, 1988.

———. Graphic Classics: Ambrose Bierce, Volume Six. Mount Horeb, WI: Eurkeka Productions, 2003.

Fuentes, Carlos. The Old Gringo. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1985.

Hall, Oakley. Ambrose Bierce and the Ace of Shoots. New York: Viking, 2005.

———. Ambrose Bierce and the Death of Kings. New York: Viking, 2001.

———. Ambrose Bierce and the One-Eyed Jacks. New York: Viking, 2003.

———. Ambrose Bierce and the Queen of Spades: A Mystery Novel. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1998.

———. Ambrose Bierce and the Trey of Pearls. New York: Viking, 2004.

Select Non-Fiction

Berkove, Lawrence I. A Prescription for Adversity: The Moral Art of Ambrose Bierce. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2002.

Bierce, Ambrose. Ambrose Bierce’s Write It Right: The Celebrated Cynic’s Language Peeves Deciphered, Appraised, and Annotated for 21st-Century Readers. Edited by Jan Freeman. New York: Walker & Company, 2009.

———. The Fall of the Republic and Other Political Satires. Edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Shultz. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2000.

———. The Letters of Ambrose Bierce. Edited by Bertha C. Pope, with a memoir by George Sterling. New York: Gordian Press, 1967.

———. A Much Misunderstood Man: Selected Letters of Ambrose Bierce. Edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2003.

———. The Sardonic Humor of Ambrose Bierce. Edited by George Barkin. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1963.

———. Shadows of Blue and Gray: The Civil War Writings of Ambrose Bierce. Edited by Brian M. Thomsen. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2002.

———. Skepticism and Dissent: Selected Journalism from 1898-1901. Edited with an introduction by Lawrence I. Berkove. Ann Arbor, MI: Delmas, 1908.

———. A Sole Survivor: Bits of Autobiography. Edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Shultz. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1998.

———. Twenty-one Letters of Ambrose Bierce. Edited with a note by Samuel Loveman. Cleveland, OH: G. Kirk, 1922.

Blume, Donald T. Ambrose Bierce’s Civilians and Soldiers in Context: A Critical Study. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2004.

Castro, Adolphe de. Ambrose Bierce As He Really Was: An Intimate Account of His Life and Death. New York: Parade Publishing Company, 1926.

Davidson, Cathy N. Critical Essays on Ambrose Bierce. Boston, MA: G.K. Hall, 1982.

———. The Experimental Fictions of Ambrose Bierce: Structuring the Ineffable. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Drabelle, Dennis. The Great American Railroad War: How Ambrose Bierce and Frank Norris Took on the Notorious Central Pacific Railroad. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2012.

Fatout, Paul. Ambrose Bierce and the Black Hills. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1956.

Gaer, Joseph. Ambrose Gwinett Bierce, Bibliography and Biographical Data. New York: B. Franklin, 1968.

Gale, Robert L. An Ambrose Bierce Companion. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.

Grattan, C.H. Bitter Bierce: A Mystery of American Letters. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1929.

Grenander, Mary E. Ambrose Bierce. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1971.

Joshi, S.T. Ambrose Bierce: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary Sources. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.

Lindley, Daniel. Ambrose Bierce Takes on the Railroad: The Journalist as Muckraker and Cynic. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.

McWilliams, Carey. Ambrose Bierce: A Biography. New York: Albert & Charles Barney, 1929.

Morris, Roy. Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company. New York: Crown Publishers, 1995.

Neale, Walter. The Life of Ambrose Bierce. New York: W. Neale, 1929.

Owens, David M. The Devil’s Topographer: Ambrose Bierce and the American War Story. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2006.

Rather, Lois. Bittersweet: Ambrose Bierce & Women. Oakland, CA: Rather Press, 1975.

Saunders, Richard. Ambrose Bierce: The Making of a Misanthrope. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1985.

Schaefer, Michael W. Just What War Is: The Civil War Writings of De Forest and Bierce. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1997.

Starrett, Vincent. Ambrose Bierce. Chicago: W.M. Hill, 1920.

———. Ambrose Bierce: A Bibliography. Philadelphia, PA: Centaur Book Shop, 1929.

Talley, Sharon. Ambrose Bierce and the Dance of Death. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2009.

Walker, Franklin D. Ambrose Bierce, The Wickedest Man in San Francisco. San Francisco, CA: The Colt Press, 1941.

Wiggins, Robert A. Ambrose Bierce. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1964.

Select Theses and Dissertations

Alford, Harold Judd. “The Bierce Problem Re-examined: An Analysis of the Short Story Technique of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, University of Washington, 1951.

Allred, Randal Wayne. “Writing the Civil War: Cultural Myth and War Narrative in De Forest, Bierce, and Crane.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1993.

Berkove, Lawrence Ivan. “Ambrose Bierce’s Concern with Mind and Man.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1962.

Braddy, Haldeen. “The Life and Art of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1929.

Brown, Lloyd E. “The Unblinking Moral Vision of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, Middle Tennessee University, 1987.

Clarke, Peter P. “Ambrose Bierce, Style and Point of View in Selected Short Stories.” Master’s thesis, University of Massachusetts, 1967.

Dunham, George. “Ambrose Bierce’s ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’: A Momentary Eternity.” Master’s thesis, Florida State University, 1980.

Emmel, Gayle J. “Death in Bierce’s ‘In the Midst of Life’.” Master’s thesis, Auburn University, 1967.

Fincke, Gary W. “The Biercian Man as Soldier and Civilian.” Master’s thesis, Miami University, 1969.

Francendese, Janet M. “Ambrose Bierce as Journalist.” Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, Graduate School, 1977.

Gillbreath, Charles H. “Ambrose Bierce and the Portrait of the Soldier.” Master’s thesis, Georgia State University, 1985.

Hagood, Wayne F. “Ambrose Bierce’s Technique in the Short Story of the Supernatural.” Master’s thesis, University of Florida, 1960.

Hefner, Ronald H. “The Visions of Ambrose Bierce: A Postmodern Perspective.” Master’s thesis, University of South Florida, 1996.

Holzapple, Steve. “A Critical Study of the War Stories of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, New Mexico Highlands University, 1972.

Infuso, Karin N. “An Analysis of the Civil War Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, Montclair State College, 1987.

Ingham, Donna S. C. “Ambrose Bierce as Fabulist: Controlling the Moment.” Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, 1992.

Kitsock, Robert. “Ambrose Bierce: Literary Enigma.” Master’s thesis, University of Scranton, 1979.

Kocher, Richard L. “Fear and Dilemma in the War Stories of Ambrose Bierce.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1978.

Kummer, Hildegard. “Ambrose Bierce’s Naturalism in ‘Can Such Things Be?’.” Master’s thesis, University of Southern California, 1977.

Lindley, Daniel. “Ministry of Light: Ambrose Bierce as Muckraker.” Master’s thesis, University of Oregon, 1993.

Long, Steven M. “A Thematic Role Analysis of Ambrose Bierce’s ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’.” Master’s thesis, Portland State University, 2002.

MacMillan, Jeffrey R. “Ambrose Bierce: Between Politics and Philosophy.” Master’s thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1992.

McMahon, Michael E. “Hell in a Very Small Place: An Analysis of the War Tales of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, University of Scranton, 1968.

Nickell, Joe. “Ambrose Bierce and ‘Mysterious Disappearances’.” Master’s thesis, University of Kentucky, 1982.

Pellegrino, Anthony F. “’Ghosts’ of the Civil War: The ‘Gothic Realism’ of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, University of Auckland, 2013.

Rocha, Craig D. “The Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce: Artistic Probes into the Human Psyche.” Master’s thesis, California State University, San Diego, 1973.

Ruben, Philip M. “Ambrose Bierce and the American Gothic Tradition.” Master’s thesis, University of Texas at Arlington, 1972.

Sheller, Harry L. “The Satire of Ambrose Bierce: Its Objects, Forms, Devices, and Possible Origins.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1945.

Smart, Jack S. “Ambrose Bierce: Unconscious Healer.” Master’s thesis, University of South Dakota, 1997.

Suhre, Lawrence R. “A Consideration of Ambrose Bierce as a Black Humorist.” Ph.D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 1972.

Tuggle, Michael C. “Self-Knowledge and Courage in Five Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, Wake Forest University, 1977.

Witt, Robert E. “The Critical Theories of Ambrose Bierce.” Master’s thesis, University of Arkansas, 1934.

Woodruff, Stuart C. “The Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce: A Critical Study.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1962.

Select Film and Television

“Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories.” Directed by Don Maxwell. Springdale, AR: Hannover House, 2006. DVD.

“An Arrest.” Directed by Phillip A. Boland. Pasadena, CA: Athens Entertainment, 1997. VHS.

An Occur[r]ence at Owl Creek Bridge.” Directed by Robert Enrico. 1962. Monroe, CT: Reel Images, 1978. VHS.

“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.” The Twilight Zone, season 5, episode 22. Directed by Robert Enrico. 1964. Chatsworth, CA: Image Entertainment, 2006. DVD.

The Man and the Snake & the Return.” Directed by Sture Rydman. 1972. Thousand Oaks, CA: Monterey Home Video, 1992. VHS.

“Old Gringo.” Directed by Luis Puenzo. 1989. Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2002. DVD.

“One of the Missing.” Directed by J.D. Feigelson. 1979. Tulsa, OK: VCI Video, 2006. DVD.