Monthly Archives: October 2014

Scholar@UC 0.2.1 Released

An updated version of Scholar@UC is now available at  This release is all bug fixes.  You can see the complete list of changes at the Scholar@UC GitHub Repository.  

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 0.2.0 Released

An updated version of Scholar@UC is now available at  The updates are mostly bug fixes and small tweaks.  You can see the complete list of changes at the Scholar@UC GitHub Repository.

Posted in Software Releases

Early Adopters testing begins!

Scholar@UC has entered a new phase working with fourteen early adopters who will be submitting their scholarly content to this repository.  Their feedback and suggestions will be an enormous and critical help to the Scholar@UC development team as we prioritize

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Posted in News

Welcome to ScholarBlog

Welcome to ScholarBlog, the blog for Scholar@UC — News, announcements and updates of our development progress will be made here. For any questions, ideas, and comments, we encourage you to email the Scholar@UC Team at Stay tuned!

Posted in News