Blog Archives

Scholar@UC 1.5 sorts lists of collections by title

Scholar@UC now sorts users’ lists of collections by title.  Other accessibility and security fixes are also included.

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 1.4 adds student welcome page and more help

Scholar@UC 1.4 now shows a welcome page that is customized for students when they log in to using their UC central login.  Additional help dialogs have also been added to the file edit/rollback/delete/download actions.

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 1.3 Release

1.3.0 12/04/2015 Updated text on the Welcome page and Collection Policy page Added new styling to the upload buttons for works, files, collection images, and profile images The My Works screen now only lists content that is owned by the

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 1.2 released.

With the upgrade to version 1.2 we have improved accessibility options for screen readers, indexed the owner field in SOLR, and updated various support gems.  A complete list of changes can be found here:

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC now works with UC’s Central Login service

Anyone with a UC Central Login can now log into Scholar@UC.  Logging in allows users to add content and view content that has been restricted to only UC users.  Early adopters and others who already had a Scholar@UC login can

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 1.0 release candidate 1

The first 1.0 release candidate for Scholar@UC is now available.  In addition to many security and bug fixes, this release includes the following enhancements: A welcome page for new users Revised work type descriptions Additional help text on the My

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC makes UX improvements

Scholar@UC version 0.15.0 has been released.  Changes to URL paths and menus in this version make using Scholar@UC easier.  For a list of all changes visit

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 0.14.0 Released

With Scholar@UC version 0.14.0 users can now attach multiple files from their desktop. 0.14.0 7/2/2015 The contact form now requires users to complete a CAPTCHA before sending. Repository manager accounts are no longer visible to other users. Error pages have been

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC adds 30 and 14 day embargo reminder emails

An updated version of Scholar@UC is now available at In addition to fixing some bugs, Users will now get reminder emails thirty and fourteen days ahead of their item’s embargo expiring. The complete list of changes is available at the

Posted in Software Releases

Scholar@UC 0.12.0 Released

The most recent version of Scholar@UC is now available.  This release includes the addition of Work input forms that link to the Creator Rights page A non-discrimination notice on the site’s footer Bug fixes Several security issues have been resolved

Posted in Software Releases