The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 02 No. 3 (March 1923)
- Description
Frontispiece, by E. Greenberg
Glimpses in a Rolling Mill, by R. S. Conrow
Bought or Sold, by G. C. Wilson
Power from Wood Waste, by A. C. Sigmon
A New Engineering Society, by R. C. Hose
Soliciting for City Ice, by A. B. Goodman
Education and Business Success, by W. A. R. Bruehl
Tribute to Major Guthrie
From Pelt to Belt, by Edwin R. Theis
Nocturnal Electrography, by L. B. Crabtree
With the Co-eps, by C. A.
Designing Artillery, by A. J. Wildman
House to House, by Edgar Rollwage
The Dean's Page: Quantitative Economics
Alumni Notes - Date
- 1923-03
- Item sets
- Cooperative Engineer volumes 1-4
Position: 295 (60 views)