The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 11 No. 2 (January 1932)
- Description
Frontispiece - Gymnasium and Stadium, by Prof. Daniel Cook
The New Physics Building, by Dr. R. C. Gowdy
The Vegetable Tanning of Sole Leather, by Merrill Leach
The Swiss Power Industry, by Eugene Roth
An Eclipse of Modern Civilization, by C. LeRoy Elliott
Men Who Have Made Engineering - Colonel G. W. Goethals, by Ned Drucker
Among Our High-Brows
"Never-Never Again My Dear", by Prof. Daniel Cook
Some Early Records of Wire Drawing, by Edwin E. Caspell
A Survey of Floodlighting, by George S. Myers
Our Unbalanced World, by Prof. H. B. Whaling
Alpha Kappa Psi, by H.E.Miller
Scabbard And Blade, by Ezra A. Blunt
A.S.M.E Activities, by W. L. Sorenson
Co-op Club Affairs, by William Foley - Date
- 1932-01
- Item sets
- Cooperative Engineer volumes 9-12
Position: 137 (65 views)