The Co-operative engineer. Vol. 11 No. 3 (April 1932)
- Description
Frontispiece - Shaded Portals of Science (Water color), by J. Swing Lewis
Banking Policy and the Depression, by Prof. W. P. Calhoun
Some Aspects of Television, By J. F. Jordon and J. E. Keto
A Visit to Wilson Memorial Auditorium, by Paul E. Heckel
Men Who Have Made Engineering - George Westinghouse, by Edward W. Reese, Jr.
Co-Operative Education - A National Institution, by Rost E. Warden
Among Our High-Brows
The Geology Camp (poem), by Prof. Daniel Cook
Characteristics of Effective Selling, by Dorothy Brown
Co-op Alumni with the Lunkenheimer Co., by Martin F. Milligan
Functions of the R. O. T. C., by Lennard C. Sorenson
The Glider Club
Army Ordnance Association - Date
- 1932-04
- Item sets
- Cooperative Engineer volumes 9-12
Position: 224 (61 views)