The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 3 (April 1939)


The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 3 (April 1939)
The Cooperative engineer. Vol. 18 No. 3 (April 1939)
UC Archive source
Cover Design - Baldwin Hall, by Martin Littman
The Dean's Philosophy, by Dr. Herman Schneider
Frontispiece - The Builder: The New Chemistry Building, April 1939, by Martin Littman
Engineering Education of Tomorrow: A Critical Appraisal of the Value of an Education, by Prof. Reuben S. Tour
Spaceflight: The Limiting Factors Governing Interplanetary Travel, by Perry Ritchie
Student Research
A Time-Interval Indicator, by Robert G. Bennett and John Zimmer
A 200-Year Electrodatometer, by Frederick F. Johnson
Color Photography, by William Bertsche
Magnetic Recording, by Wynne W. Gulden
Co-op Day: A Photographic Survey, by Henry Jordan
Why Not?, by A. C. Burroway
Engineering Activities, by Charles Gall
A Survey of Engineering Education
Observations of an Engineering Education, by Irving Hirschfeld
What The Co-op System Has Meant To Me
Qualified Engineers, by Ed Allen
Science Notes
Crystal Structure and Biophysics: Physics' newest stepchild - the science of life
First to Fight: The Meaning of "Tell It To The Marines", by Lt. Arthur P. McArthur

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