Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 1 (October 1946)


Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 1 (October 1946)
Cooperative engineer. Vol. 24 No. 1 (October 1946)
UC Archive source
Cover photo - Baldwin Hall
Dean's Page: Another Twenty-Five Years, by C. Albert Joerger
Frontispiece - The King of the Tetons
It Seems Only Yesterday, by Clyde W. Park
Flivvers, Bathtubs, and Soap, by Dr. Herman Schneider
A Chemical Reaction, by Dr. R. C. Gowdy
The Take-Off, by B. W. Schellenbach
If Radio Keeps On, by George Sperti
Tradition Wears a Red Tie, by Lorraine Dowling
The Editors Speak...a forum of student affairs
The Coefficient of Lipstick Distribution, by Joel Rhodes
From Co-ed to Co-ep, by Clyde W. Park (from Ambassador to Industry)
The Spirit of the Engineering College, drawing by Paul F. Nocka
Dictionary of University Types, by P. E. Phillips
Angles of Incidents, by Gordon Zeidman
A Twenty Year Resume, by Douglas Vest
You Can't Beat Those Things

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