UC Templates Preview and Instructions

UC Instructions

Templates and Style Choices

This page will show examples of Omeka S templates that have been modified for use by UCL's Omeka S instance. You are not limited  to these templates,  they are simply prepared for your use if desired. More will be added periodically.

Update 5/26/2022:

Here is a list of themes available for Omeka -S:

Questions?  If you wish to use one of these templates with your site, please contact Lisa Haitz


Default Theme

The following themes use the Omeka theme "default" as their base template:

One of the options within this theme is to have the Item Showcase displayed in either a row or column. Examples:


UC Default theme -white

UC Default Theme -White

Default Template, with UC branding and repsonsive header added. Required Footer elements.
Preview Site Using this template (new window)

UC Default Thumbnail

UC Default Theme 1

Default template with red header and UC logo. Required Items in footer.
Preview Site Using this Template (new window)
