Little do the children realize that in trying to escape from one tradition, they are plunging headlong into another. Some of these have been on one set of lips after another for half a century of more.
The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren

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The Children’s Lore genre features hundreds of examples of children’s games, rhymes and hand clap songs. Having so many examples makes cross referencing the variations in songs or games easy to do. Another interesting feature of this genre is that examples were collected from young children, college students and even adults advanced in years. Having this span of ages in the collection is useful for studying the change and development in children’s lore over time. Below are various examples of different items of lore.

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red_light milkhouse


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Rhymes and Hand Clap Songs

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mary_mack sister_sue

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Starter Games

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eeny_meeny Picture52 inka_binka