Scholar@UC 2.1 released

Scholar@UC version 2.1 is now available.  With this update, Scholar@UC enforces a 3 GB limit for files uploaded or downloaded through the online interface, but also directs users to a form for requesting help with larger files.  The Scholar@UC team will manually or bulk load larger files directly to the repository, and provide an asynchronous method for authorized sharing of larger files when requested.

Note that 3 GB files may be extremely slow, until IT@UC has completed the work to add memory resources to the Scholar@UC production environment.  The Scholar@UC team will continue to lobby for improvements to this environment.

College and Departmental fields are now available as facets, and appear on all input forms, pre-populated (except for theses and student works) with the College and Department of the submitter, as provided by UC identity management.  These default values can be overridden.  The Scholar@UC team will add these values to past works.

We have improved the load time for Collections containing a large number of works.  In addition, a ‘Search within collection’ button takes the user to a browsable view of the collection, where facets and keyword searching can be applied.

See the Scholar@UC Change Log on GitHub for a complete list of bug fixes and changes.