Airforce ROTC

When the ROTC was re-established in 1946, an Air Corp unit was added, offering training in general Air Corp organization as well as 10 hours of orientation flying. Graduates of the program were eligible for training as flying officers in the Army Air Forces.

On September 18, 1947 , the U.S. Air Force was created as an independent branch of the military from the former Army Air Forces. While air training was a part of the ROTC program upon its return after World War II, with the new U.S. Air Force came a dedicated Air Force ROTC program. At its inception, the Air Force ROTC was the largest branch of the U.C. Military Department.

The AFROTC spawned its own honoraries, Arnold Air Society and Angel Flight, and instituted its annual “dining out” to honor graduating seniors. The AFROTC was the first to offer a commissioning program to UC women.

Air Training Program

Air cadets in 1948 examine a demonstration wind tunnel as part of their training in military aviation.


AFROTC Summer Camp, 1954

A UC AFROTC cadet climbing out of the cockpit of an Air Force T-33 jet after a ride during the 1954 summer camps


AFROTC Classroom Instruction


AFROTC Maneuvers


1970 Dining Out

Dining out is an annual formal event centered on commemorating graduating senior cadets.