The UCBA Library enjoyed celebrating National Library week with our students, staff and faculty.
There were several opportunities to win gift cards and UCBA gear. Here are the happy winners:

Library Director Heather Maloney with Caitlin Toler. Caitlin won a $10 Gift Card to the UCBA Bookstore by participating in the UCBA Library survey.

Librarian Michelle McKinney with Kayla Matthews. She won a $10 Bleecker Street Gift Card for answering a Question of the Day.
Lisa Weller in the UCBA Business Office won a bag full of UC and UCBA swag for correctly answering the trivia question hosted by the UCBA Communications department: What was the date when the new UCBA Library officially opened in 2013? (Answer: July 8, 2013).
Here’s a recap of the Infographics highlighting the responses to the daily Question of Day.
Did You Know any of the following trivia that we shared last week?
- The Library of Congress (Washington, DC) is the largest library in the world > more than 158 million items on approximately 838 miles of bookshelves. (LOC Fascinating Facts)
- “A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessities of life…” – Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), U.S. Abolitionist, Clergyman and Author
- Academic Librarians provide info that serves more than 44 million students yearly–reaching almost 12 million more than attend college basketball games! (ALA Quotable Facts)
- “My guess is (it will be) about 300 years until computers are as good as, say, your local reference library in search.” – Craig Silverstein, Former Director of Technology,
- UC Health Sciences Library was recently ranked amont the Top 25 most impressive health sciences libraries in the U.S. ~Above the medical school libraries at Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Johns Hopkins! (UC E-Currents)
- “Librarians have always been among the most thoughtful and helpful people. They are teachers without a classroom. No libraries, no progress.” – Willard Scott, American Media Personality and Author.
- “I think of libraries as safe havens for intellectual freedom. I think of how many times I’ve been told about a librarian who saved a life by offering the right book at the right time. Yet librarians often have to be fearless…They stand up for their readers rights. Don’t try to threaten them because they won’t back down…They are my heroes. – Judy Blume, American Writer, Spokeswoman for National Library Week 2014
- The 2013 National Medal for Museum and Library Services was awarded to the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. This award honors only the most outstanding institutions in the U.S.
- The Library of Congress contains the world’s largest collection of comic books > 5,000 titles, 100,000 issues! The oldest comic book in the collection? “Popular Comics” February 1936
- The coolest thing about the UCBA Library? “The Cool Staff” – UCBA Student
Here a few random photos from the weeks’ events.
- National Library Week sign outside the library entrance.
- Library Faculty & Staff wearing library gear.
- Students entering for a chance to win a gift card.
- Sample responses to the Question of the Day.
- Sweet treats!
- Chris Marshall, Library Staffer
- Are you an Info Geek?
- The Question of the Day wall of responses.
- Sample responses to the Question of the Day.