UCBA Library Fun Facts: Bad Book Habits

Question: Do you have a bad book habit?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: Getting too many and letting them pile up on my bedside table. I try to answer all of life’s quandaries with a different book.


MichelleMichelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Accidentally re-reading books. I’ll borrow a book from the library and realize a few chapters in that I’ve read it before.


Kellie Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Using the dust jacket flaps as a bookmark. Not as bad as earmarking the page, but still not as good as an actual bookmark.


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianFinding too many good ones and running out of time to read them all.  And, occasionally, picking up one that I’ve already read!


Rachel Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: Not at all!




TammyTammy Manger, Public Services Manager: Falling asleep only after two pages…I hate that!



ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: Earmarking the pages.  Bad Habit!