Question: What is your policy on book lending?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: I share! Unless it’s a library book then I’m a little more protective. 😉
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: It depends on the book and who I’m lending it to…I’ve lost a few faves over the years and those folks can’t borrow from my anymore.
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: I am an advocate of book lending! But only if I know the person well enough to know the book is coming back at some point.
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: No policy. All of my books come from the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County.
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Hardly ever. Streamlined my collection to keep mainly my absolute favorite hardcovers and first editions which I NEVER lend and the rest I borrow from the library.
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Depends on the book. I rarely loan my hardcovers but if I have an ebook it’s yours to borrow.