The latest From the Virtual Desk Of…Heather Maloney, leads us to our Library Director’s virtual workspace.
- This is my second at home desk. My desk was upsized after the first week (our bedroom dresser used to be in this space) to a former Lego table. Because we’re going through a home renovation and everything is temporary right now, we’re going for the “let’s make it work for now” design style.
- Keeping it all pretty simple. Yes, that’s an enormous jar of almonds, my favorite work day snack. It’s a little harder to snack healthy when working from home, and there are homemade cookies in the kitchen. Also, at the base of my large monitor is a small flower my oldest daughter picked for me, and I can’t seem to part with it.
- A few of my favorite things….chocolate and books! Oh, and always trying to drink a lot of water to balance out that chocolate intake.
- At work, I have pictures of my daughters on my desk but at my home office, I get to see them every day. I think they have a whole new respect for their teachers now that they’ve had to deal with mom coordinating and checking in on all the home school work.
- This was my first work from home desk just on the other side of the room from my current desk. Way too small but an awesome view and great light! This is now my husband’s work from home space. The morning of this picture he saw a bat on the roof so the girls are getting the full story.
by Heather Maloney