Kellie Tilton, Instruction Technologies Librarian, is the newest member of the UC Blue Ash Library faculty. Kellie comes to us from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. In her current role, she leads the development of new online tutorials and learning objects. She also works closely with the Art & Visual Communication, Behavioral Science, Electronic Media and History, Philosophy & Political Science departments to provide library instruction, collection support and research assistance.
Here are a few fun facts about Kellie:
What fictional place would you like to visit: Diagon Alley. (Unsurprisingly, as a librarian, Flourish and Blotts would be my first stop.)
Estimate how many books you own: Oh, man. It is at the very least in the 2,000 range. I haven’t even moved all of the books here yet. Most of them come from my time working at a bookstore (discounts are a beautiful thing), but I currently am serving on a book selection committee and a good number has accumulated from that. Basically, I’m up to my ears in books.
Do you ever write in the margins of books? NO. Even before I was a librarian I liked to keep my books pristine. Sometimes I wish I wrote in margins – random notes, ideas and thoughts are usually the most interesting thing to find in a used book. But I just can’t bring myself to mar the pages.
Can you read on a bus? I can. And have. Many, many times. My family is big into road trips and reading is how I passed the time while we cruised through the plains of Nebraska and other places. My parents are convinced this contributed to my poor sense of direction as I never watched where we were going – my eyes were always on the page.
Do you own an e-Reader? I do! I read on both my iPad and my nook. I really, really like them for travel or checking e-books out from the library. I also read books for review on them. I am a firm believer that there is a place for both print and e-books. I’m really hoping the publishing industry starts to bundle an e-book download with the physical book. I love the new options for reading!
Related Link: Kellie’s CampusGuides