Health Sciences Library offers Systematic Review Cohorts

Three librarians from the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library (HSL) – Melissa Previtera, Don Jason and Lynn Warner – launched a pilot 15-week Systematic Review cohort, which began this summer and wrapped up in September.
This collaborative course invited teams and individuals to learn the systematic review process while working on a project with the advice and guidance of the librarians. The cohort consisted of six in-person meetings supplemented with Canvas modules. Topics covered included preparation and protocols, comprehensive searching, using Covidence and writing – all the required steps of completing a review from determining the research question to dissemination of the work.
The goal was that this piloted cohort will become a regular offering at the HSL and will allow students and faculty from all disciplines at UC to learn and engage with the systematic review process.

The positive response of the piloted cohort has led HSL to schedule a second cohort to begin November 15 and conclude February 28, 2025. The seven sessions will cover such topics as prepping reviews and protocols, searching techniques, quality assessment, data extraction, writing, publishing and more. Information and a link to apply to join the cohort, is available on the Systematic Reviews and Library Assistance Libguide.
Additional questions can be directed to the Health Sciences Library.