• Volume 22,  Volume 22, Issue 3

    Dean’s Note: Building our foundation

    The 2023/2024 academic year was a busy one as we worked to connect students, faculty and researchers to dynamic data, information and resources while simultaneously planning for the future of UC Libraries. To set us up for the future, much of our efforts recently have focused on building a stronger foundation as we prepare to launch our Strategic Plan in the fall. That foundation comprises three elements: people, leadership and values. People An investment in our people is key to advancing the Libraries. This begins with filling job vacancies and hiring new librarians and staff that will bring new skills and expertise to our organization. This spring we completed a…

  • Volume 22,  Volume 22, Issue 2

    A Note from the Dean: Forging a Plan for the Future

    As I begin my second full semester at the University of Cincinnati as dean and university librarian, I’m struck by how much we’ve done this year and I am energized for the future. A great deal of the work undertaken during fall semester was about taking stock of where we are. I embarked on a listening tour of all UC Libraries’ departments to better understand the priorities of our frontline staff and, perhaps just as important, to understand the culture of our organization. To get a clearer picture of how we are performing in comparison with our peers, I worked with consultants from the Association for College and Research Libraries…

  • Volume 22,  Volume 22, Issue 1

    Note from the Dean: Creating a shared vision for UC Libraries

    My tenure as dean and university librarian for the University of Cincinnati Libraries began in mid-August and I feel privileged to have joined such a highly talented team during a time of great growth at the University of Cincinnati. While higher education and academic libraries are certainly not new environments for me, like we say in this profession, “if you’ve seen one library, you’ve seen one library.” I am grateful to have such a welcoming community within UC Libraries to get me up to speed and support my transition, this experience has made me proud to be a Bearcat! For more about my professional background and my thoughts on trends…

  • annual progress report
    Annual Progress Report

    Annual Progress Report

    A Year of New Beginnings… Welcome to the 2021-22 University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report – a year that saw the broad return of students, faculty and staff to campus for fall semester. The transition from virtual to in-person was an extensive process as library spaces were re-evaluated to allow for a safe return to working and studying on campus. We welcomed students, faculty and staff back to campus with refreshed spaces, enhanced safety protocols for social distancing and a revived appreciation for working together in person. The year also saw the announcement of our renewed Strategic Framework: NEXT Directions. The University of Cincinnati’s NEXT Lives Here Strategic Directions focus…

  • xuemao wang
    Annual Progress Report

    From the Dean

    Looking back as we plan our NEXT Directions. This year’s Annual Progress Report covers July 2020 through June 2021. It was an exceptionally complicated time, during which we entered the second year of the pandemic, developed and adopted new digital resources to support remote learning and remote research and prepared for the transition back to campus for the 2021 fall semester. We have had our share of hardships and successes. The difficulty and stress of the pandemic has put a strain on library faculty and staff, but they persevered, working together to find innovative solutions to meet the needs of our users. In these unprecedented times, they continuously found ways…

  • next directions graphic
    Annual Progress Report

    Determining Our NEXT Directions

    UC Libraries Updated Strategic Framework The University of Cincinnati’s NEXT Lives Here Strategic Directions focus on the core areas of Academic Excellence, Urban Impact and the Innovation Agenda in order to engage people and ideas – and to transform the world. The University of Cincinnati Libraries are key to what’s NEXT. UC Libraries fuel research, scholarship and engagement with the community. We forge pathways to discovery and empower students, faculty and researchers to achieve academic success. Thus, in the spirit of NEXT Lives Here, UC Libraries is actively engaging in determining our Next Directions. We are articulating both who we are and what we want to be. We are examining…

  • xuemao wang
    Volume 19,  Volume 19, Issue 1

    A Note From the Dean

    With this publication of Source, we are two months into the 2020/21 academic year. And while things are very different than any other fall semester that I have ever experienced, UC Libraries continues to provide faculty, staff, students and researchers with access to library resources, services and information expertise. The interiors of our libraries have been transformed as we moved furniture and closed off spaces to allow for social distancing. However, the spirit of UC Libraries is in full force as our library faculty and staff remain dedicated to work with users in fulfilling their research and learning needs.  I am impressed and grateful for how everyone in UC Libraries…

  • progress report graphic
    Volume 18,  Volume 18, Issue 2

    A Year of Reflection

    Announcing the 5th annual University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report – A Year of Reflection. This past year the University of Cincinnati marked its Bicentennial led by the tenants: To Honor the past. Elevate the present. Bend the future. While celebrating the Libraries’ vital role in the past 200 years of the university, we also took this opportunity to reflect on our goals, objectives, accomplishments and gaps as the next phase of our strategic direction. Our year of reflection has resulted in the need for the creation of an emerging, and even bolder, Strategic Framework – one built upon the knowledge of our strengths and challenges, coupled with the…