The HSL recently published five new CampusGuides:
- The Tutorials guide provides database, software, and citation management tutorials from the HSL in addition to HSL YouTube videos and a separate page for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice tutorials.
- Mobile Health Resources highlights HSL subscription apps, free mobile health resources, and app news and reviews.
- The Anesthesiology guide provides links to journals, eBooks, and other resources relevant to anesthesiology practice and research.
- Two new College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS) CampusGuides include Clinical Laboratory Science and Communication Sciences and Disorders. Both provide information about how to access resources such as eBooks, databases, and research help for each program.
See all current Health Sciences Library CampusGuides here. As more topic guides are published, the links on the Electronic Resources page will be changed to lead directly to the new topic guide.
Please contact us if you have any feedback and suggestions for us as we work to make these guides as useful as possible!