d/Deaf Children’s Books in the Classroom

Last semester, the CECH Library collaborated with the American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf Studies Department to expand d/Deaf representation in their children’s and young adult literature collections. After working with ASL 2003 students to create a book selection framework, the ASL Club helped CECH librarians choose which books to add to the library’s collections in February 2024. 

Now that we have these awesome books on our shelves, Elementary Education major Alice Somers shared an exciting update on how she’s using the collection in her kindergarten practicum classroom: 

As an education student completing my kindergarten practicum, I have found myself in a Deaf & Hard of Hearing classroom. I have been able to take the books from this collaboration and bring it into a classroom where the students can see themselves in the literature around them. The students and teachers have shown great interest in the books, and are excited to utilize them throughout the school year! 

Thanks for this great update, Alice! We love knowing that our children’s book collections are being used and enjoyed by children, especially in a way that is affirming of their lived experience.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy 
Head, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library 

Alice Somers 
CECH Library Student Employee 
Elementary Education and Deaf Studies (CECH 2026)