Introducing the updated Accessible Technology Space in Langsam Library

Debbie Tenofsky, accessibility librarian, collaborated with UC’s Digital Technology Solutions and Accessibility Resources Office, along with colleagues in UC Libraries to update and rebrand the Accessible Technology Space.
Located in the Walter C. Langsam Library room 408, the space provides access to accessibility hardware and software, along with other amenities, for use by all library patrons with disabilities. All University of Cincinnati students, employees and community members are welcome to use the devices and facilities offered in this space. The Accessible Technology Space is available any time Langsam Library is open.
The space includes adjustable height tables, lighting options, a Dell computer all-in-one with a large screen, an iMac computer with a 24-inch screen and a docking station with a 31.5-inch monitor on an adjustable arm, keyboard and mouse. In addition, assistive technology such as screen readers, text magnifier and reader, Read&Write and Equatio are available on the computers. More information about the resources available in the Accessible Technology Space is available on the Libraries website or by contacting
UC Libraries recently held two open houses to reintroduce the UC community to the rebranded and updated space. All in attendance were impressed with the offerings and possibilities the space provides.