Two Hundred Years of Curation
DAAP Galleries: The Dorothy W. and C. Lawson Reed, Jr. Gallery September 18-December 1 In celebration of the University of Cincinnati’s Bicentennial, the DAAP Galleries are pleased to present 200 Years of Curation. Over the course of the university’s history, the facilities, technologies and individuals have changed and evolved, often replaced by new faces and spaces. The records of these changes and how we have arrived at this moment remain within books, archives and the various collections of UC. On an occasion such as this, it seems only relevant to look to the past as we envision our future. In this unprecedented collaboration of five separate archives and collections from…
University of Cincinnati Accepts New Additions to Neil Armstrong Commemorative Archives
The University of Cincinnati Libraries recently received an unexpected addition to the Neil Armstrong Commemorative Archives. Presented at UC College of Engineering & Applied Science’s The Next Giant Leap – a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing – these new documents and photos touch on several aspects of Mr. Armstrong’s professional life, including his work as an astronaut and his major transition from a NASA administrative position to faculty member at UC. We are thankful to Rick and Mark Armstrong for their thoughtful generosity and willingness to share these memories of their father to preserve his inimitable legacy. UC is honored to be stewards of these…