Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.
Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…
From Jay: Today in Mysore we met with the major where Dr. Apana was interviewed by a local media station.
- At the Mysore palace.
- An official visit with the mayor of Mysore.
- While at the mayor’s office Dr. Apana is interviewed by a news station.
- Mayor’s office. Newspaper photographers taking all our pictures. We did end up in the paper that night.
- Enjoying fresh cut coconut.