
A diverse group representing research fields from music to IT to medicine at UC attended the 2015 UC GIS Day Celebration Lecture.   Dr. Alan T. Murray from Drexel University’s Center for Spatial Analytics and Geocomputation presented an entertaining and informative overview on the application of GIS analysis to contemporary issues. Dr. Murray examined challenges and strategies for spatial optimization in public alert systems design, fire response, transit system design, nighttime urban lighting and recreational space planning in the extreme Arizona climate. The mix of storytelling, real world problems and the mathematics of GIS engaged the audience of nearly fifty prompting several audience members to propose collaborative projects on the spot. This year’s event was sponsored by UC Libraries, IT@UC and the Geography Graduate Student Organization. UC Libraries is now offering Introduction to GIS workshops in partnership with the Department of Geography. For more information about GIS or library workshops, contact Dr. Changjoo Kim (changjkm@ucmail.uc.edu) of the Department of Geography or Amy Koshoffer (koshofae@ucmail.uc.edu) Science Informationist for UC Libraries.

Photo credits: Song Shu, graduate student, Department of Geography