A place to find UC Research Resources

Our research ecosystem at UC is spread across many departments and it can be a challenge to find the help you are looking for.  UC Libraries Research and Data Services team has a webpage with links to many of the resources that can help you find the right person to answer your questions and connect you to the tools that enhance your research.

Visit our updated Research & Data Resources page Research & Data Resources | University of Cincinnati (uc.edu) for resources and contacts through all stages in the research lifecycle.

If you are a UC research resource provider and would like to add your information, please contact askdata@uc.edu.

Updates to Print Maps Collections Access (Geo-Math-Physics Library)

When you visit the Geology-Math-Physics (GMP) Library this fall, you may notice big space changes that are now in progress.  As an early step to open up space, several map cases and cabinets that once lined the eastern and southern walls (entry level) have been moved to remote storage (UC Fishwick facility).  Cases of maps for the Tri-state region (Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky), highly used for teaching and research, remain onsite and have been consolidated in the library’s southwest corner.

To access maps, we highly recommend that you seek a digital version of any map.  One great resource for digital maps is the USGS, particularly for topographical maps.   If you need help locating digital maps, email the libraries’ Research & Data Services team at askdata@uc.edu.

For more information on print maps, including those which remain at GMP Library and those which are now located in remote storage, please review our research guide page on the map collection.  Please visit the GMP Library for assistance with any map located onsite.  To request a map in remote storage, please complete this form and a member of the Science and Engineering Libraries team will contact you and help with your needs.

UC’s science libraries – GMP Library and Chemistry-Biology Library – are undergoing major space changes and consolidation in light of the demolition of Crosley Tower, including the Chemistry-Biology Library space, in late 2025.  In preparation for this, the Chemistry-Biology Library will close after spring semester 2025 and its research collections will relocate to GMP Library over time.  We look forward to realizing a long-term vision for a combined science library.

Thank you to Marcia Johnson for the June 2024 image.

Sage Campus Trial Now Available

UC Libraries is running a trial for Sage Campus, a platform for online learning of skills and research methods.  To access the trial, please visit the Campus trial information page: Univ of Cincinnati and Sage Campus Trial Information Page.  The trial will run from August 19 to November 22, 2024. 

Courses cover topics such as:

Research Planning

Getting Started with Data

Collecting Managing Data

Analyzing Data

Report Findings

Getting Published

Information Literacy

Check out the courses offered, share with your students, and let us know what you think of this resource. Email askdata@uc.edu to share your feedback.

ORCID and GitHub Sign Memorandum of Understanding – ORCID

ORCID profiles can now be linked to Github profiles.  What does this mean for you?  Now you can include your ORCID number on your Github profile.  It is also possible to add the URL of your Github account to your ORICD landing page.  If you need some help setting up your ORCID or linking these two resources, please contact askdata@uc.edu

To learn more check out the ORCID blog post on the memorandum.

Love Data Week Day 4

Research & Data Services

February 12-16, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024 – Blog Post by Tiffany Grant, PhD, CDE

Today we will focus on diet and nutrition. Poor diet is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Over the last several decades consumption of processed foods and changing lifestyles have led to the development of unhealthy diets. The lockdowns of the pandemic and the increased use of remote technologies have also led to an increase in sedentary lifestyles and habits amplifying the impact of these already unhealthy lifestyles. Eating the right variety of foods in moderation can help to offset this impact and help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

What does a healthy diet look like?

The details of a “healthy diet varies for each person, but there are some common threads. Individuals should aim to incorporate nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber carbs and limit low-nutrient, high-calorie foods like sweets, fatty meats, and fried and processed foods.

All healthy eating plans should include:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meats and plant-based sources of protein
  • Less added sugar
  • Less processed foods


MyPlate is a visual reminder to make healthy choices from each of the five groups. MyPlate.gov offers tips and resources that support healthy dietary patterns.

For healthy recipe ideas, check out My Plate. The MyPlate Quiz is a quick self-assessment tool that provides tailored resources based on answers to a series of simple questions about current eating habits. The results page provides a snapshot of how the user is doing in meeting food group recommendations. The user can then sync quiz results with the Start Simple with MyPlate app to set daily goals organized by food group. Each goal can be personalized to personal preference, cultural foodways, and budget needs, and includes sample tips as starter ideas.

Check out this mini-poster for more information and tips on nutrition, including portion amounts for each dietary component.

Grocery Shopping Tips

First consider your shopping cart divided into fourths.

  • Fill one half of your shopping cart with fruits and vegetables. These can be fresh, frozen, canned or dried. Start in the produce section to get more fresh produce.
  • Fill one fourth of the cart with whole grains like bread, tortillas, pasta, brown rice, quinoa, etc.
  • Fills one fourth with healthy proteins. This can include seafood and lean meats, but also nuts, nut butters, eggs and beans.
  • Aim to add dairy to your cart. Milk/dairy provides essential vitamins like calcium and vitamin D that you are less likely to get from other foods in the same quantity that milk provides. Other sources of dairy can include, yogurt and cheese. Also, when reading your label, you may find that many sources of dairy are also great sources of protein!

Similarly, your grocery cart should look like your plate.

  • Half plate of fruit and vegetables
  • Quarter plate of lean protein
  • Quarter plate of high-fiber carbohydrates

Nutrition Label Tips

Serving Size, Calories, and Macronutrients

  • Check serving sizes first! They may not be the same as the usual portion you take or the amount you assume it is.
  • A can of soup often has 2.5 “servings”, but a person often has 1 full can
  • A bag of chips often has 3 “servings,” but a person often has 1 full bag
  • Calories are good to check if you choose to look at just one part of the nutrition label
  • Fat, carbohydrates, and protein are worth checking

Nutrients to increase

  • Dietary fiber
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin D

Nutrients to decrease

  • Saturated fat
  • Sodium
  • Added sugars

Ways to Use Nutrition Labels

  • Guide to serving and portion sizes
  • Compare two products to choose the healthier
  • Limit or increase consumption of calories or certain nutrients
  • Finding new foods that fit within your plan

List of Ingredients

  • Listed from highest to lowest quantity in the food product
  • Use it to find ingredients you may or may not want
  • You might want:
    • Whole grains
    • Olive, soybean, or canola oil
  • You may not want:
    • Added sugars like honey, sugar, molasses, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, turbinado sugar, agave syrup, brown rice syrup
    • Hydrogenated oil, partially hydrogenated oil
    • Nitrites, sodium nitrate
  • You can also check for preservatives, colors, flavors, and other types of additives

A great resource on reading food labels can be found here.

No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Love Data Week Day 3

Research & Data Services

February 12-16, 2024

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 –  Blog Post by Tiffany Grant, PhD, CDE

Did you know…

  • Prolonged sitting increases risk of spinal, shoulder, carpal tunnel, and leg disorders
  • Sitting for more than 3 hours/day increases risk for all-cause mortality deaths
  • Sitting too much increases cholesterol and accelerates weight gain
  • People who sit most of the day and people who smoke have the same risk of heart attack

Question: What is the single most important thing you can do this very moment for health?

Answer: MOVE!

Regular exercise is one of the most important things you do to improve your health. For those that don’t like the term “exercise”, let’s just use the term “movement” because virtually any movement counts, even those that don’t resonate as “exercise”. Throughout the day, aim to move more and sit less because some activity is better than no activity. Though seemingly small now, it will add up over time to equate to added health benefits.  

The CDC recommends 150 – 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity/week or 75 minutes to 150 minutes of vigorous intensity activity/week. These minutes can be broken down into smaller chunks of time, such as 30 minutes/day for 5 days. Your activity can be walking, jogging, running, dancing, biking, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, golf, hiking, or virtually anything that will get you moving.

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Love Data Week – Day 2

Research & Data Services

February 12-16, 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 – Blog Post by Tiffany Grant, PhD, CDE

Today we will focus on health disparities. The term health disparity refers to differences in health and health care between groups that typically stem from broader inequities. Multiple definitions of health disparity exist including:

Healthy People 2030 definition of health disparity

A particular type of health difference that is linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage,” and that adversely affects groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition of health disparity

Preventable differences in the burden, disease, injury, violence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal health experienced by socially disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and other population groups and communities.

*Note that each definition refers to differences, and these differences are driven by a number of factors, including genetics, health behaviors, social and environmental factors, and access to health care.

Health disparities exist across all demographics in the US, and addressing them is essential to not only to those impacted, but to the overall health our our nation. Health disparties place a significant financial burden on individual, families, and the health care system.

Heart disease has been the number one cause of death for the last 100 years. In 2021 heart disease and stroke (5th leading cause of death) took more lives in the US than all forms of cancer and lower respiratory disease.

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Love Data Week Day 1

Research & Data Services

February 12-16, 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024 – Blog Post by Tiffany Grant, PhD, CDE

Join UC Libraries Research & Data Services as we celebrate Love Data Week. The 2024 theme is “My Kind of Data”.

Question: What kind of data is the most personal?

Answer: Your own health data

Join us as we provide evidence-based data pertaining to the data that is most relevant to you. The information provided will help you be more knowledgeable about your health and provide impactful methods that can be incorporated relatively seamlessly into your day-to-day practices.

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GIS Day Celebration – November 15, 2023

Join other UC GIS users for the celebration of National GIS Day. 

Flyer for GIS Day - repeats text in blog post

GIS, or Geographic Information Systems, is a way of analyzing spatial data to identify spatial patterns, solve problems and better understand the world we live in. With GIS we can understand climate change, disease progression, population dynamics and other phenomena of our modern world.

Sponsored by the Provost’s Office, UC Libraries, Department of Geography & GIS, Geography Graduate Student Association, and the Joint Center for GIS and Spatial Analysis, the day features Director of Education for Esri [Industry Leader in GIS software], Geri Miller and a GIS Jobs Panel.  The event is free and open to all.  Lunch will be provided for all attendees.


Date: November 15, 2023

Venue: Location Rm 400 ABC / Tangeman University Center

11:00 Keynote Speaker Geri Miller, Director of Education, Esri – Talk Title – “Geospatial Education in the Cloud: Today’s Workforce Skills

  • Geri Miller is Director of Education at Esri. Her main role is to support academic institutions stay on cutting edge of geospatial technology. Prior to that, she was an Instructor and Technical Lead at Esri, specializing in online and onsite delivery of various geospatial technology courses. Ms. Miller is also an Associate Program Director for the Johns Hopkins University Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems program and has been a lecturer in the program since its inception. She has developed and taught a range of the GIS curriculum, including Web GIS, Spatial Analytics, Programming in GIS courses.  https://advanced.jhu.edu/directory/geri-miller/

12:00 pm Lunch                                                

1:00 pm Jobs Panel featuring

  • Trisha Brush, MBA PMP GISP DTM (Director Information Systems and Analytics at Planning and Development Services of Kenton County)
  • Kelly Wright, M.S., GISP (GIS Analyst at City of Monroe)
  • Gabriela Waesch (GIS Analyst at OKI Regional Council of Governments)
  • Madison Cox (Geospatial Data Scientist at Sanitation District No. 1 of Campbell and Kenton Counties)
  • Madison Landon (Urban Planner at Woolpert)

Register for GIS Day in Faculty One Stop

Also please join members of the Department of Geography & GIS for coffee, pastries and conversation with the keynote prior to the official celebration

Venue: 4th Floor lounge, Braunstein Hall

9:30 – 10:30 Pre event Coffee and Donuts with Keynote   

Kyle McGill joins UC Libraries as the GIS Research Consultant

Welcome to Kyle!

Kyle McGill is the new GIS research consultant in the UC Libraries Research and Data Services Unit.

Kyle is a Master’s student in the Department of Geography and GIS. He completed an undergraduate degree in Geography, but also took classes in Urban Planning, both at UC. His primary interests are in remote sensing and environmental geography. He tends to spend his free time reading science fiction, playing video games, or playing with his two cats, Jojo and Nebula (pictures below).

Graduate Student Kyle McGill

Kyle is here to help you understand how to use GIS software, think about project plans, and find data for your project.  He can share information, offer advice, and even partner on projects on a case by case basis. Please come by the Data & GIS Collab, located in the Geology Math and Physics Library (240 Braunstein Hall).

Kyle’s hours will be:

Monday10 am to 2 pm
Tuesday10 am to 2 pm
Wednesday10 am to 2 pm
Thursday10 am to 2 pm
Friday12 pm to 4 pm