Mythological Winged Creatures of the Sky by Mary Ann Kronoveter
Clermont College Library is pleased to bring you work from three student artists this semester, all from Professor Kelly Frigard’s Drawing II class.
Susan L. Kleine’s works examine the natural spaces near Kibbutz Ein Gedi, Israel. These lush landscapes were based on Kleine’s travel photography using the watercolors. Mary Ann Kronoveter’s bold pieces, entitled, “Mythological Winged Creatures of the Sky,” depict Cygnus and Phoenix. Using watercolor, paint, and pencil Cassie Feldhaus created two large-scale works devoted to exotic birds, the lilac-breasted roller and the blue-throated passerine bird.
Stop by and view these lovely pieces anytime the library is open. We love collaborating with the Fine Arts program to bring you Clermont College student art each term.