The HSL is piloting Covidence for the next year (until June 2024). Covidence is an online tool that streamlines the production of systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other literature-intensive research projects. It coordinates the screening process of title/abstracts and full-text articles, and it facilitates the population of data extraction forms and risk of bias tables. This pilot allows all UC faculty, staff, and students to create an unlimited number of reviews. After the pilot, our librarians will perform an assessment of its use, its impact, and our budget to determine if the subscription will continue.
If you are interested in using this tool, please see our libguide and other helpful resources:
- Covidence Libguide:
- UC Knowledge Base for Covidence:
- Covidence Webinars:

Please note that the HSL will not be able to provide systematic review support (search creation, review process, etc.) to individuals outside of our liaison areas. If you are wanting to conduct a systematic or scoping review and are not at the CoM, CoP, CoN, or CAHS please explore our Systematic Review LibGuide or our self-paced module So you want to conduct a systematic review.
If you have questions or would like to discuss Covidence or Systematic Review assistance with a librarian please reach out at: