Financial Information
A reporting of both General and Local Funds for Fiscal Year 2020.

General Funds:
- 0% Capital Equipment
- 8% Operating
- 45% Library Collections
- 47% Salaries
Fiscal Year (FY) 20 Budget vs. Actual Expenses:
- Salaries + Benefits: FY20 Budget = 10,732,329| FY20 Actual = 9,463,402
- Operating: FY20 Budget = 2,478,656 | FY20 Actual = 1,567,645
- Capital: FY20 Budget = 12,488 | FY20 Actual = 5,894
- Collections: FY20 Budget = 9,113,385 | FY20 Actual = 9,133,061
- General funds were largely expended on salaries and library collections. The actual salaries and operating spending are lower than the previous fiscal year due to the pandemic.
- The collection spending stays the same – showing consistent demands from faculty and staff.

Local Funds
Local Funds FY20 Beginning vs. Ending Balance:
- Designated: Beginning = $2,475,973 | Revenue & Transfer In = $1,746,892 | Expenses & Transfer Out = $1,594, 188 | Ending Balance = $2,628,676
- Endowments: Beginning = $949,595 | Revenue & Transfer In = $819,775 | Expenses & Transfer Out = $708,726 | Ending Balance = $1,060,644
- Gifts: Beginning = $334,287 | Revenue & Transfer In = $106,124 | Expenses & Transfer Out = $53,208 | Ending Balance = $387,203
- Plant: Beginning = $413,155 | Revenue & Transfer In = $387,831 | Expenses & Transfer Out = $34,316 | Ending Balance = $766,670
- Grand Total: Beginning = $4,173,009 | Revenue & Transfer In = $3,060,621 | Expenses & Transfer Out = $2,390,438 | Ending Balance = $4,843,192
- Earned $819.8K in endowment revenue; $106.1K in gift fund.
- Received $400K+ in revenue from UCL services provided to Children’s Hospital, UC Health, UC COM and others.
- Received $450k provost support on renovation for 400 Level students seating.