UC Libraries by the Numbers
Gate counts, web site visitors, circulation and number of reference questions answered are just some of the statistics gathered and reported to the Association of Research Libraries each year.
UC Libraries by the Numbers (as reported to the Association of Research Libraries for 2019/20)
- Number of Libraries = 10 (13 counting the jurisdictions)
- Total Volumes = 4,650,472
- E-books = 1,895,398
- Library Catalog Hits = 8,311,597
- Library Website Views = 960,275
- Library Website Visitors = 152,535
- LiBlog Visits = 61,292
- Full-text Articles Downloaded = 2,682,693
- Regular Searches (databases) = 4,903,053
- Total Circulation (print and other items) = 69,048
- Reference Questions Answered = 12,374
- Library Presentations to Groups = 685
- Participants in Group Presentations = 12,476
- Items Loaned (Interlibrary Loan) = 22,089
- Items Borrowed (Interlibrary Loan) = 13,173
- Gate Count for all Libraries = 1,195,465
- Total Staff (including student assistants) = 164
- Total Number of Students (graduate & undergraduate) = 57,279