Presenting the Albert B. Sabin Research Notebook Digitization Project Lecture Series

Dr. Albert B. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine, donated his complete correspondence, laboratory materials, manuscripts, awards and medals to the University of Cincinnati. His papers document both the development and testing of the oral polio vaccine and the growth of virology as a discipline.
In 1995, the John Hauck Foundation helped the Cincinnati Medical Heritage Center (now the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions) establish the Hauck Center for the Albert B. Sabin Archives. An initial gift provided funds for an archivist to organize and preserve Dr. Sabin’s collection. Later, the Hauck Foundation provided the Winkler Center with two additional donations that helped with the construction of the Winkler Center’s new home and the building of the John Hauck Foundation Gallery in the space.
Recently, selections of the Albert B. Sabin Papers Laboratory Notebooks were digitized with another gift from the John Hauck Foundation. The digitized materials were added to UC’s online repository, Scholar@UC available at https://scholar.uc.edu/ (search “Sabin Notebooks”). The physical collection of laboratory notebooks holds the entirety of Sabin’s laboratory work during his time at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Foundation and the University of Cincinnati (1935 to 1969), including his service to the United States during World War II.
To close and celebrate this most recent project, the Winkler Center will produce a series of lectures dealing with Sabin, his research and the field of virology.
Join them Thursday, Oct. 10, 5:00-7:00 p.m., in the CARE/Crawley Atrium, 231 Albert Sabin Way for a keynote address and reception featuring Karen Torghele, MPH, and Larry J. Anderson, MD.

Karen Torghele, MPH, most recently worked through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) David J. Sencer Museum on the Global Health Chronicles Project to design, conduct and edit over 80 oral histories of scientists and other contributors to the history of the CDC. Previously, she worked for five years as an informatician at The Task Force for Global Health. She also helped design and coordinate The CDC Experience for medical students. She is a member and participant in Biographers International.

Larry J. Anderson, MD, is professor and Marcus Chair of Infectious Diseases, Division of infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Anderson joined Emory University School of Medicine in 2010 after over 30 years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He has worked on epidemiology, disease burden and pathogenesis of non-influenza respiratory viruses, especially respiratory syncytial virus, and viral vaccine preventable diseases including the global polio eradication laboratory program and measles, mumps, rubella and varicella-zoster vaccination programs.
In addition, the Winkler Center is hosting a lunchtime lecture series from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in the Stanley J. Lucas, MD Boardroom on the following dates:
- Thursday, Oct. 17, Dr. David Bernstein
- Thursday, Oct. 31, Dr. Paul Spearman
- Tuesday, Nov. 5, Dr. Robert Frenck
An ongoing exhibit highlighting the work of Albert Sabin will be on display in the foyer of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, CARE/Crawley, 231 Albert Sabin Way. All events are free and open to all.
These programs are financially assisted by the John Hauck Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, John W. Hauck and Narley L. Haley, Co-Trustees.