Stress Less Fest @ Langsam

langsamoutwebWhile studying for exams in Langsam Library, take a moment to breath and recharge with “Stress Less Fest” brought to you by the Student Wellness Center, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Learning Assistance Center (LAC), Campus Rec Center, Residence Hall Association (RHA), and Disability Services.

Activities in Langsam:

Monday, December 1 & Wednesday, December 3:

LAC @ the Library: 4-7pm, drop-in writing, tutoring and academic coaching sessions on the 4th floor of the library (by the Triceracopter).

De-Stress at Langsam: 5:30-7:30pm, enjoy massages, hot chocolate and more by the library’s main entrance

For more Stress Less Fest events, see