Melissa Cox Norris, director of library communication, was elected to the board of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) as public relations coordinator. Fellow incoming board members are:
Vice President/President Elect: Mandi Goodsett
Treasurer: Don Appleby
Board Members-at-Large: Amanda Black; Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros, and Jennifer Starkey
Tracing its beginnings to 1947, ALAO exists to develop, promote and improve library and information services in Ohio’s higher education community, to advance the interests of academic librarianship and the personnel of academic libraries, and to provide leadership and advocacy for the educational and policy concerns of the academic library community in Ohio. ALAO strives to adopt environmentally sustainable practices in all areas of the association.
For more about ALAO, visit their web site at
Congratulations, Melissa!