The December presentation for 50 Minutes-1 Book features CCM Librarian Mark Palkovic talking about the new “World’s Smallest Book!” It is a 22-page micro-book measuring just 0.75 millimeters (or for the metric-impaired, 0.03 inches). Entitled Shiki no Kusabana, this book of flowers was published by Toppan Printing in Japan. Toppan printed the volume using its ultrafine printing technology, the same method used to avoid forgery of paper currency.
Other miniature books will be on display, including the previous record-holder, the 1996 publication of Chekhov’s short story, “Chameleon,” owned by ARB. Mark will speak about the role of miniature books in the history of printing and publishing, UCL’s collection, and the interest these volumes have for student and scholars in literature, history, marketing, technology, and the arts.

Eira Tansey, Digital Archivist / Records Manager
Please join us on Thursday, December 19, at 12:00 in 814 Blegen Library. Bring your lunch and conversation, and immediately after Mark’s presentation we will have a reception in ARB’s reference room to welcome to Eira Tansey, the new Digital Archivist/Records Manager, to UCL.