• langsam library
    Annual Progress Report

    Navigating the Pandemic – A Tale of Two Semesters

    The 2019 fall semester was business as usual with students, faculty, researchers and staff using library facilities to study, access collections, seek reference assistance, participate in library workshops, print a paper or simply grab a cup of coffee between classes. Librarians and staff provided instruction, manned service desks, collected and made library materials available, planned exhibits and events and collaborated with faculty and researchers to translate information and data into knowledge. The usual activities in the library would come to a sudden halt spring semester. In consultation with university administration, the University of Cincinnati Libraries, like so many others around the country and the world, made the difficult decision to…

  • xuemao wang
    Annual Progress Report

    From the Dean: A Year Like No Other

    What a year it’s been. This University of Cincinnati Libraries online Annual Progress Report covers July 2019 through June 2020, an academic year that started off normally, but in the spring would be disrupted in ways never thought possible because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fall semester was business as usual with students, faculty, researchers and staff accessing our facilities and resources for research and study, or simply to grab a cup of coffee between classes. Librarians and staff provided instruction on how to find the best research materials, offered reference assistance, collected and made our collections available and collaborated with faculty and researchers to translate information and data into knowledge.…

  • staff outside the health sciences library
    Annual Progress Report

    Staff News

    According to the People Pillar of the Strategic Plan, “UC Libraries will become more dynamically engaged partners with colleges, departments and units – €”integrating new methods for collecting, accessing, utilizing and preserving streams of data and information in support of the teaching and research mission of the university. We will become leaders in defining the changing role of academic libraries in the global library community.” Below are the activities, accomplishments and milestones of the faculty and staff of UC Libraries. News Hires Suzanne Bratt, cataloging specialist, Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library Madeleine Gaiser (pictured), online learning and instruction specialist, College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) Library Katie…

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    Annual Progress Report

    Highlighting Special Collections

    During the academic year, UC Libraries acquired approximately 70,000 volumes. Here are highlights of new special collections. Albert B. Sabin Notebooks Dr. Albert B. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine, donated his complete correspondence, laboratory materials, manuscripts, awards and medals to the University of Cincinnati where they are housed in the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions. His papers document both the development and testing of the oral polio vaccine and the growth of virology as a discipline. Selections of the Albert B. Sabin Papers Laboratory Notebooks were digitized with another gift from the John Hauck Foundation. The digitized materials were added to UC’s…

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    Annual Progress Report

    Library Exhibits

    Exhibits highlight the collections, services and people of the University of Cincinnati Libraries. The 2019/2020 academic year was an active one with exhibits featuring the pivotal role of women, artists’ books, the Labor Collection, the university’s Bicentennial and the artist Shepard Fairey. 200 Years of Curation In celebration of the University of Cincinnati’s Bicentennial, the DAAP Galleries presented “200 Years of Curation.” In this unprecedented collaboration of five separate archives and collections from throughout the university. This exhibition featured an array of objects, artifacts, documents and works of art that have been pulled from display, library stacks and storage facilities throughout campus to provide a glimpse into some of the…

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    Annual Progress Report

    UC Libraries by the Numbers

    Gate counts, web site visitors, circulation and number of reference questions answered are just some of the statistics gathered and reported to the Association of Research Libraries each year. UC Libraries by the Numbers (as reported to the Association of Research Libraries for 2018/19) Number of Libraries = 10 (13 counting the jurisdictions) Total Volumes = 4,620,478 E-books = 1,868,581 Library Catalog Hits = 12,493,571 (this number is forthcoming, but will be similar) Library Website Views = 1,207,698 Library Website Visitors = 186,403 LiBlog Visits = 55,134 Full-text Articles Downloaded = 3,319,952 Regular Searches (databases) = 6,240,796 Total Circulation (print and other items) = 82,682 Reference Questions Answered = 20,028…

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    Annual Progress Report

    Financial Information

    A reporting of both General and Local Funds for Fiscal Year 2020. General Funds: 0% Capital Equipment 8% Operating 45% Library Collections 47% Salaries Fiscal Year (FY) 20 Budget vs. Actual Expenses: Salaries + Benefits: FY20 Budget = 10,732,329| FY20 Actual = 9,463,402 Operating: FY20 Budget = 2,478,656 | FY20 Actual = 1,567,645 Capital: FY20 Budget = 12,488 | FY20 Actual = 5,894 Collections: FY20 Budget = 9,113,385 | FY20 Actual = 9,133,061 Highlights: General funds were largely expended on salaries and library collections. The actual salaries and operating spending are lower than the previous fiscal year due to the pandemic. The collection spending stays the same – showing consistent…