Staff News
According to the People Pillar of the Strategic Plan, “UC Libraries will become more dynamically engaged partners with colleges, departments and units – integrating new methods for collecting, accessing, utilizing and preserving streams of data and information in support of the teaching and research mission of the university. We will become leaders in defining the changing role of academic libraries in the global library community.” Below are the activities, accomplishments and milestones of the faculty and staff of UC Libraries.
News Hires

- Suzanne Bratt, cataloging specialist, Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library
- Madeleine Gaiser (pictured), online learning and instruction specialist, College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) Library
- Katie Hillery, library services assistant, Sciences and Engineering Libraries
- Lindsay Nickels, program coordinator, Digital Scholarship Center
- Melissa Previtera, academic and research services specialist, Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library
- Shannan Stewart, library specialist, John Miller Burnam Classics Library
Appointments & Moves

- Arlene Johnson was named head of the new Collection Development Services and Engagement Department.
- James Lee has been appointed associate vice provost for digital scholarship and associate dean of libraries.
- Elizabeth Meyer has been appointed head of the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) after serving as interim head of the DAAP Library since 2017.
- James Van Mil has a new title of digital projects and preservation librarian.
- Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang took on the additional title and responsibilities of vice provost of digital scholarship.
- Dorcas Washington (pictured), formerly content analyst on the Content Services Team, transitioned to the new role of data analytics specialist on the Research and Data Services (RDS) Team.
Ted Baldwin, director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, received the Faculty Excellence Award at the Spring 2020 UC Faculty Awards.

Aja Hickman, senior HR coordinator, was selected as the Carl H. Lindner College of Business 2020 Outstanding Part-Time MBA Student based on her excellent academic record.
Edith Starbuck, information services librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, was presented with the 2019 Distinguished Librarian of the Year Award at the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s Annual Meeting held October 4-7 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In addition, she received the Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring Award at the Spring 2020 UC Faculty Awards.
May Chang, library chief technology officer, co-presented a paper “Regional Smart Campuses: Empowering and Connecting an Inclusive Community and Workforce” with Josette Riep at the Smart Cities Africa Summit, in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2019. She also presented “Beyond Makerspaces to a Network of Regional Innovation Hubs” at the VALA Conference in Melbourne, Australia, February 2020.

Fried, E. and Emily B. Kean, research and education librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, presented “First, Authenticate! Collaboration between Midwifery Educators and Health Sciences Librarians.” American College of Nurse-Midwives 65th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Austin, TX, May 29-June 2, 2020.
Ben Kline, assistant director of Research, Teaching and Services Department, presented his poetry at numerous events, including: Wild and Precious Life Series, an online poetry reading, May 6, 2020; Inkwell Open Poetry Mic ft Ben Kline, Cincinnati, OH Feb. 12, 2020.; Cincinnati Book Art Fair, poetry reading, 12/15/19; Po-Jazz, an evening of poetry and live jazz at The Club at Schwartz Point, 12/12/19.; and Poetry Afield, an evening of poetry, friends and drinks at The Littlefield, Cincinnati, OH.
Amy Koshoffer, assistant director of Research & Data Services, presented “Partnerships & Challenges for Sustained Research & Data Services” September 29, 2020 as part of the CNI Digital Scholarship Planning webinar series. In addition, she presented “Organizational Changes: Digital Core” as part of the Midwest Data Librarian Symposium October 14, 2020.
James Van Mil, digital projects and preservation librarian, and Sidney Gao, digitization lab manager, presented “Initial Steps on a Digital Preservation Policy” at the Society of Ohio Archivists meeting with colleagues at the University of Akron, June 2020.

Brad Warren, senior associate dean of library services, presented at the Association of University Presses Conference. “Inside Library Acquisitions Now,” panel with Frank Brasile, Galadriel Chilton, Anne Davis, and Moon Kim, June 2020. He was the keynote speaker at the Access Services Conference where he presented “A Practical Approach to Change,” November 21, 2019, Atlanta, GA. And he presented: “Library Collections as Battleground? Replacing Conflict with Conversations in the Use of Library Spaces,” with Michael Meth, Boaz Nadav-Manes and Sarah Tudesco at the Charleston Conference, November 6, 2019, Charleston, SC. Lastly, “A Journey: From User-Centric Services to Campus-Wide Strategic Partners,” at the OCLC Americas Regional Conference October 2, 2019, Phoenix, AZ.

Ted Baldwin (pictured), director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, served on the Library Advisory Board for the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publishing.
May Chang, library chief technology officer, is serving as chair of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) IT Section, 2019-2021.
Olga Hart, coordinator of library instruction, served as co-convener of the ACRL Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group, participating in two virtual panels at ALA conferences. The midwinter presentation focused on best practices in providing library services to international students. The summer panel was dedicated to serving international students in view of COVID-19. In addition, the group’s co-conveners and incoming co-conveners recorded a panel session for the course in academic librarianship at the iSchool at Syracuse University. The session focused on the role academic libraries play for international students and addressed various aspects of services to this group of users. The plan is to use the recorded panel will in the course for the next five years.
Arlene Johnson, head of Collection Development Services and Engagement Department, was elected to serve as secretary of the Faculty Senate, 2019-2021. In addition, she was appointed as chair, Faculty Arts and Humanities Research Subcommittee of the University Research Council, 2019-2020. And was elected as faculty senate representative to the University Research Council, Arts and Humanities, 2019-2021.
Ted Baldwin, director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, and Richard Johansen co-authored the poster “Plotting Our Future: The UC Visualization Laboratory & Services Model” at the Special Libraries Association “All Sciences and Engineering” virtual poster conference, July-August 2019.
Hong Cheng, global services librarian, and Kastner, J. “Developing Critical Information Literacy in First-Year Engineering Students.” Paper for Frontiers in Education – Cincinnati, USA, Oct. 16-19, 2019.

Olga Hart, coordinator of library instruction, published two chapters, “Creating and Using Infographics: Introduction to Best Practices” and “Thinking Critically about Images” in Critical Thinking About Sources Cookbook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2020.
Emily B. Kean, research and education librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, and Robinson, C. “Personalised Video Instruction: A Metaliterate Approach to Online Information Literacy.” Journal of Information Literacy, 13(2), 196-205, 2019. In addition, she published Small, T. F., Gillespie, G. L., Emily B. Kean and Hutton, S. (2020). “Workplace Violence Interventions Used by Home Healthcare Workers: An Integrative Review.” Home Healthcare Now, 38(4), 193–201.
Mark Konecny, scholarly communications coordinator, “Flying Too Close to the Sun: Impersonations of Duncan in Russia” in Gratchev, S. N. The poetics of the avant-garde in literature, arts, and philosophy, 2020.

Holly Prochaska, preservation librarian, and Ashleigh Ferguson Schieszer, rare book and paper conservator. “Adding Value – Increasing Access and Visibility to Historic Binding Structures.” In Julia Miller (Ed.), Suave Mechanicals: Essays on the History of Bookbinding, vol. 6 (1st ed., pp.364-417), Ann Arbor, MI, Legacy Press, 2020.
Brad Warren, senior associate dean of library services, and DaVonne Armstrong, Eds. “A Framework for Access Services Librarianship: An Initiative Sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries’ Access Services Interest Group,” American Library Association, April 2020. He also published “Developing A Practical Approach to Change,” editorial, College and Research Libraries, v.81, no.1 (2020).
A Poet Among Us
Ben Kline, assistant director of Research, Teaching and Services Department, published the following poems among others:
- DIAGRAM – 20.2 – “Lover” and “Uncle Mike,”
- A & U Magazine – April 2020 – “Patient” and “Dead Uncle, 1979.”
- Vagabond City Lit – Issue 47 – “Will / Inherit”
- The Bending Genres Anthology 2018/2019 – ed. Robert Vaughn – “Me, , Once“ page 21
- Juked – March 2020 – “The New Math”
- Alien Magazine – March 2020 – “Giving Up the Dew”
- GRAVITON Lit – February 2020 – “Twinkling”
- Queen Mob’s Teahouse – January 2020 – “A Pile” and “Saved Message #3.”
- Ghost City Press – My Loves: A Digital Anthology of Queer Love Poems – a reprint of “Reading Is Fundamental” – January 2020.
- Screen Door Review – Issue 7, December 2019 – “Potato Salad”
- Okay Donkey – December 2019 – “The Lonely Code”
- Pidgeonholes – August 2019 – “Doubt” and “Spell for Which I Had No Use”
- Chelsea Station – August 2019 – “Visiting from Ohio.”
- 8 POEMS Journal – July 2019 – “Big Bang.”
Milestone anniversaries
5 years:

- Regina Bourne, director of Organizational Development
- Don Jason (pictured), clinical informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library
- Jennifer Mackiewicz, coordinator of special projects and programs
- Sara Williams, collections acquisitions, Content Services Department
15 years
- Susan Banoun, team leader, eResources & Access, Content Services Department
- Hyacinth Tucker, commercial bindery coordinator, The Preservation Lab
20 years

- Ted Baldwin, director of the Science and Engineering Libraries
- Olga Hart (pictured), coordinator of library instruction
- Elaine Ignatius, operational manager and student supervisor, in the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Library
- Arlene Johnson, head of the Collection Development Services and Engagement Department
- Ben Kline, assistant director of Research, Teaching and Services Department
- Diego Moena, collections acquisitions, Content Services Department
- Thomas Scherz, senior software developer
- John Stork, assistant head of collection development services
25 years
- Mikaila Corday, eResources and access, Content Services Department
- Edith Starbuck, information services librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library
30 years
- James Campbell, network analyst
- Susan Hight, technical and public services assistant, Science and Engineering Library
- Anthony Thomas, delivery worker
40 years
- Kevin Grace, university archivist and head of the Archives and Rare Books Library
- Kathleen Kinsey, government documents specialist
- Mary Anne McMillan, HR/purchasing assistant
45 years
- Birsen Kaya, director of library information technology